The lounge: a bridge in memory of a lion

by time news

On Friday afternoon, an event was held at the Gesher Theater in Jaffa to mark the 30th anniversary of the death of the theater’s director, founder and artistic director, Yevgeny Arie. During the event, in the presence of Marina and Matthew Arieh – Yevgeny’s wife and son, there was an exciting artistic salute to his work, in which stage performances were performed with the participation of the best current and former theater actors, who worked under Arieh’s direction. Among others: Yevgenia Dudina, Efrat Ben-Tzur, Neta Spiegelman, Lillian Khailovsky, Alon Friedman, Doron Tavori, Israel Sasha-Demidov, Ruth Rasiuk, Ido Musari who imitated the theater’s founder who smiled at those present and more. In addition, rehearsals of Yevgeny Arie, and eulogies sent by leading theater people from around the world, were screened.

The event itself opened with a recorded greeting sent by President Yitzhak Herzog. Among the other speakers at the event: Tel Aviv-Yafo Mayor Ron Huldai, Minister of Culture and Sports, Hili Trooper, Minister of Finance Avigdor Lieberman, Chairman of the Gesher Theater and Friends of the Theater Association, Israel Makov, and Theater Director Lena Kryndlin.
Attended to pay tribute: the director of the Friends of the Theater Association, Ruthie Heilpern; Russian Ambassador to Israel Anatoly Viktorov; Ehud Barak and his wife Nili; Cameri Theater Director Ran Gauta; Habima Theater Director Noam Semel and his partner Berry Hochwald; Director of the Beit Lesin Theater, Tzipi Pines; Director Ilan Ronen; Yigal Ahuvi, Diti and Alex Landsberg, Bella Lustig, Tali Chen and President of the Weizmann Institute of Science, Prof. Alon Chen; Ruth and Avraham (Lulu) Assaf; Nava and Amnon Dick, Nili Zohar, Sara Sela, Noa Koller, Boris Krasny, the house playwrights of the Gesher Theater, Roi Chen, and the actors of the Gesher Theater: Mickey Leon, Neta Roth and more.

Avigdor Lieberman, Lena Craindlin and Hili Trooper (Photo: Aviv Hofi)
Bella Lustig and Israel Makov (Photo: Aviv Hofi)Bella Lustig and Israel Makov (Photo: Aviv Hofi)
Matthew Arie (Photo: Aviv Hofi)Matthew Arie (Photo: Aviv Hofi)
Noam Semel and Berry Hochwald (Photo: Aviv Hofi)Noam Semel and Berry Hochwald (Photo: Aviv Hofi)

Seventy with chefs and cliffs

On Wednesday evening, an event was held at the Beit Al Hayam complex in Jaffa to mark the opening of the 70th anniversary celebrations at Binyamina Winery. The event was hosted by the winery’s CEO Oshik Ephraim, and the chief winemaker Yonatan Shots. As part of the round birthday celebration for the old winery, a new wine series was launched under the name: ‘Cliffs’. Designed to mark the perfect match between the worlds of wine and culinary.

The winery has selected four top chefs who have matched a dish created by them, one of their favorite products. These are chefs: Assaf Sri, from Tzemach Restaurant (Mahniuda Group), Jerusalem; Chef Yachi Zino, from Pescado Restaurant, Ashdod; Chef Ido Feiner, from Roberta Vinci Restaurant, in Pardes Hanna; And Chef Tomer Tal, from George and John Restaurant, in Tel Aviv.

Yonatan Shots and Oshik Ephraim (Photo: Bar Cohen)Yonatan Shots and Oshik Ephraim (Photo: Bar Cohen)

Nitzani’s film
Great pride was recorded at the Nitzani family home, with the screening of the film: “Like Stars Outside.” This is an independent short film, created by the family member Einav Nitzani, starring Rivka Michaeli, Sandra Sadeh, Amit Farkash and Yarden Tussia-Cohen. The parents, Yair and Drorit Nitzani, were excited with their daughter during the screening, and invited friends to watch the finished product with them, among them: Zvika Limon, Ronen Peled, Einat Shroff and more. The young Nitzani is currently in the midst of developing and writing a period series about the Israeli rock and roll world in the 1970s. At the same time, she is also working on a documentary project on feminism and sexuality among the youth of the hills.

Drorit Nitzani and Einav Nitzani (Photo: Aviv Hofi)Drorit Nitzani and Einav Nitzani (Photo: Aviv Hofi)
Rivka Michaeli and Sandra Sadeh (Photo: Aviv Hofi)Rivka Michaeli and Sandra Sadeh (Photo: Aviv Hofi)
Ronen Peled and Zvika Limon (Photo: Aviv Hofi)Ronen Peled and Zvika Limon (Photo: Aviv Hofi)

Cohen cooks with love in Caesarea
Shlomi Tahan, CEO of Dan Hotels, and Matan Lerner, CEO of Dan Caesarea Resort, continued the Valentine’s wave and hosted a romantic and invested weekend especially for the chain’s customers. On Thursday evening, a joint meal was held in Dan Caesarea, cooked together by leading chef Sharon Cohen from the Sheila and Django restaurants in Tel Aviv, and hotel chef Daniel Fogel. The two submitted a duet of a culinary gourmet. The evening continued with a performance by the successful international singer Keren Ann, who came to Israel especially for the show, and flew back to Paris immediately at the end. In the show, Ann hosted her good friend Assaf Amdursky in an acoustic format.

Matan Lerner and Sharon Cohen (Photo: Eviatar Nissan)Matan Lerner and Sharon Cohen (Photo: Eviatar Nissan)
Assaf Amdursky and Keren Ann (Photo: Eviatar Nissan)Assaf Amdursky and Keren Ann (Photo: Eviatar Nissan)

The wonders of the weekend

> Businessman Lenny Recanati, owner of the Bnei Herzliya basketball team, celebrated on the floor the team’s winning the state cup.

> On Thursday evening, Rami and Ronit Shabiru hosted a small, meticulous and invested event especially for Ronit’s birthday. The party was held at the couple’s home in Herzliya Pituach and included an unusual design in red, flower arrangements, dancers, actors and singers. The catering was entrusted to Paul Assenheim, who served a plate of ice cream with a portion of ceviche and a variety of delicacies that were served in a surprising way.

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