The Lounge: Managing a Changing Reality | TMI

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Mira Mince WIZO Global CEO

Mira Minas (Photo: Nir Salkman)

“We have reached the fifth wave relatively skilled in the transition to hybrid work (at headquarters), and yet it is a struggle, when it comes to a decentralized organization of 6,000 workers. Our dedicated teams in the field deal with classrooms that close daily, Allow the parents of the babies to go to work and make it as easy as possible for them.The success in operating the educational, therapeutic, early childhood settings, even in the fifth wave, is thanks to the joint effort of our female and male employees, the principals, our board of directors and volunteers.

Our goal is always to give the feeling that despite everything – from home, office, field, youth villages, parents’ homes, shelters for women, day care centers, clothing and branches – everyone does for WIZO and dedication, for those who need us. We try as much as possible to stay in touch With everyone and maintain a sense that there is an organization that is here even when closed and isolated, hold a team of zooms, interest talks and enrichment meetings.

I would have been happy to get back to routine, but I think the last two years have taught us that WIZO has tools to deal with any situation. This wave is well felt, but the Israeli government does not really recognize it. “I would expect the government to provide solutions to the area to deal with the fifth wave, which is currently being ignored by the government, compared to previous waves after which partial indemnification solutions, Khalat, etc. were provided. But despite everything – this strain does not stop us, and I am very proud of it.”

Lior Pony CEO of Dell Technologies Israel

Lior Pony (Photo: Ohad Romano)Lior Pony (Photo: Ohad Romano)

The Corona has accelerated tremendous technological and organizational processes that would have taken many years in the past, giving birth to terms such as ‘distance learning’ and ‘hybrid work.’

With hundreds of thousands of children, entire schools and kindergartens closed, and entire classrooms learning from home, along with parents working remotely, each family needs a lot of equipment, whether it be computers, monitors or headphones. Demand, like the omicron, comes at once, and is not divided over the year. In the last two years many families and businesses have also had to undergo a “digital transformation” like the whole economy, to enable work and study from home – both in terms of equipment and technological elements even like cyber storage and security on computing – so that their work efficiency, productivity and information are not compromised.

The Corona has also taught us that in the new world of work, the key words are: trust and flexibility – and we at Dell Technologies have had to make critical organizational decisions, while on the go, to keep employees and their families safe. Thus, we established a complete set based on transparent data in real time, direct contact with all employees, physical support, mental response and more. We identified in time the transition to hybrid work and from anywhere and the transition of the education system to distance learning, so we prepared in advance with inventories. We manage Chamal to increase the supplies and shipments in the air and provide the best solution. ”

Rotem Regev, Head of the Community and Sales Department at WeWork Israel

Rotem Regev (Photo: wework)Rotem Regev (Photo: wework)

“WeWork provides a physical work environment and we of course continue to reach offices. We are engaged daily in creating an environment that inspires and energizes community members across the country. Community management teams in buildings are the most important and significant human component in our operation, so working from home is irrelevant to us.

Teamwork is something that is very characteristic of our corporate culture, it is in the values ​​of the brand and in our daily routine, and our human capital works best when we work together. Of course, we also deal with staff members who are forced into isolation. Luckily for us, just as community members can work from any of the buildings in the country, so too can our staffs back up staff in isolation in each of the buildings and continue the sequence of activities.

The staff members in the house continue to initiate virtual events, create business connections and support the various functions of the activity. Community and sales management teams meet in a broad forum frequently. In the current wave it is important for us to continue to hold the meetings and we hold them virtually in several centers, in groups of six to seven people coming up for a conversation together. It is not ideal but maintains a sense of togetherness. In general, I believe there is no substitute for face-to-face physical work, and the work environment that WeWork offers supports this belief – working remotely is absolutely ineffective in the long run and harms the sense of belonging. I believe that hybrid models, even in significant morbidity waves like the one we are experiencing, are more important than ever, and there are many studies that have been done since the outbreak of the corona plague that support this. Proof of this is that even during this period members of the WeWork community continue to come to the buildings and appreciate the ability to work in an environment that encourages human encounters.

Poetry Cooperman | Co-founder and CEO of Halasartan – Tal

Shira Segal Kuperman (Photo: Shani Tsidkro)Shira Segal Kuperman (Photo: Shani Tsidkro)

“Corona has taught us, as organizational leaders, that we should always be forward to change. We should be able to move fast, change and be open to change and attentive to world renewal. That way we can always make service accessible or communicate through a variety of channels relevant to target audiences. Tal – is the largest community of sick and recovering young people in Israel. The community was born online with DNA based on changing processes, so as the isolations increased, so did the discourse in our digital assets. 24/7 has dramatically helped alleviate the tension that prevailed in the country and especially among sick young people who have no immune system, and have had to isolate themselves for endless periods of time, far beyond imagination. The Halasartan community has over 30,000 members “Life is affected by the disease. Accordingly, changes are being made in adapting the treatment of state institutions, in legislation and research.”

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