The Lounge: Spontaneous Whistling in Tiktok | TMI

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A surfer uploaded a humorous video in which she claims that she can fly all over the world because her father is the CEO of EL AL, which led to a wave of tickers claiming that their father is the CEO of EL AL.

El Al decided to take advantage of the momentum and launched a network activity in which surfers were asked by Avigal Sorek, CEO of EL AL, to convince the company why it should adopt them and get plane tickets.

Avigal Soreq (Photo: Tiktok screenshot)

Radiating successes

Assaf Whitman, CEO of IPM and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Sam Spiegel School of Film and Television in Jerusalem, and the principal of the school, Dana Blankstein-Cohen, marked the end of a particularly successful year for the school’s activities. These are high-quality and varied films created by Sam Spiegel graduates under the limits of the Corona. According to the institution’s directors, this year’s final films are a source of genuine unit pride on the part of the school staff, which continues to strengthen its position in Israel and around the world. S. have been screened at leading festivals around the world, and have garnered prestigious international awards. Also, against the background of the global epidemic, and despite the great difficulty, the school continued to operate the international film incubator led by producer Orit Zamir, to nurture and promote young filmmakers from Israel and the world.

 Assaf Whitman and Dana Blankstein-Cohen (Photo: Yossi Tzabker) Assaf Whitman and Dana Blankstein-Cohen (Photo: Yossi Tzabker)

Zeidner in memory

Omar Zeidner, Director of KFC Operations in Israel; Amit Bar-Yehuda, owner of Mol Mol Zichron; Alon Weinstock, KFC’s VP of Marketing in Israel; And Itai Biran, the property manager at Mol Zichron, launched the ninth branch of the fast food chain in Shani, Zichron Yaacov. The new branch is intended to serve the residents of the area, including Hadera, Caesarea and Binyamina.
The famous poultry chain does not stop in memory and announced its intention to open two more branches, this time, in the Haifa area – one on the streets of the bay and the other in the Kryon Mall.

Omer Zeidner, Amit Bar-Yehuda, Alon Weinstock and Itai Biran (Photo: Courtesy of Kliger Communications)Omer Zeidner, Amit Bar-Yehuda, Alon Weinstock and Itai Biran (Photo: Courtesy of Kliger Communications)

Oak in an emergency

Pasta Rico, the Israeli company that specializes in the production of fresh pasta using the traditional Italian method, headed by CEO Shai Alon, is taking part in activities for youth and children at risk in Israel. The donation is intended to assist in the establishment of an emergency center.

Shai Alon (Photo: Assaf Embram)Shai Alon (Photo: Assaf Embram)

Softener in the square

Singer-songwriter Miri Mesika will continue for another year as presenter of the Lenor fabric softener brand. As part of this, Mesika was photographed on Tuesday morning in Habima Square for a new campaign of the brand and met on the set Liron Shifter Rudd from the creative department ‘Procter & Gamble’.

The new campaign was produced by Advertising Company C of the Publicis Group, which handles the advertising budgets of the Procter & Gamble brands in Israel and several European countries, and will be launched nationwide on the leading TV channels and social networks.

Miri Mesika and Liron Shifter (Photo: Avi Levy)Miri Mesika and Liron Shifter (Photo: Avi Levy)

A glass of wine with Negrin

The Michal Negrin brand, and Jerusalem Wineries – a cooperative agricultural association, are currently launching a series of boutique wines. As part of the new series, the wine labels of Jerusalem Wineries will boast iconic designs of the Michal Negrin brand. The collaboration between the parties spawned a series of four wines, with unusual colorful casings.

  Noa Tishbi and Michal Negrin (Photo: Shuka Cohen) Noa Tishbi and Michal Negrin (Photo: Shuka Cohen)


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