The Lounge: Super-Thani’s Avatar | TMI

by time news

1. The future is already here. Meta (formerly Facebook) Israel CEO, Adi Super-Thani, shared a video of herself in a virtual conference room. And speaks live with those present.

Adi Sofer Thani’s Avatar (Photo: Screenshot)

2. President Yitzhak Herzog and his wife experienced moments of history this week during the first official visit of an Israeli president to the United Arab Emirates. The president’s wife’s clothes in shades of blue were designed by Israeli designer Maya Negri.

Signs of optimism and hope for a return to routine were recorded this week at the Beit Lessin Theater named after Baruch Ivcher, with a premiere celebration of the musical “Crossing the Wall”, starring Chen Amsalem, Oz Zehavi, Evelyn Hagoel, Yael Elkana and more. The award-winning film by Rama Burstein-Shai, and the adaptation from the big screen to the theater stage, were entrusted to the creators of the hit “Zero in Human Relations” (which underwent a similar process). And the melodies were written by Eli Butner.
Attending the premiere: Theater Director Tzipi Pines, Interior Minister Eilat Shaked, Danny and Janis Gillerman, Rama Burstein, Noa Koller – who starred in the film and her husband, Maor Zaguri, Stav Shafir, Roni Amid and Bruria Lekner, Limor Goldstein and Ron Avidan, Dina Sanderson and Anat Atzmon and more .

Janice and Danny Gillerman (Photo: Rafi Daloia)Janice and Danny Gillerman (Photo: Rafi Daloia)
Ayelet Shaked (Photo: Rafi Daloia)Ayelet Shaked (Photo: Rafi Daloia)
Roni Amid, Tzipi Pines and Bruria Lekner (Photo: Rafi Daloia)Roni Amid, Tzipi Pines and Bruria Lekner (Photo: Rafi Daloia)
Limor Goldstein and Ron Avidan (Photo: Rafi Daloia)Limor Goldstein and Ron Avidan (Photo: Rafi Daloia)

4. Last Friday, the deputy chairman of the board of Dan Hotels, Ami Federman, and members of the company’s management held a farewell event for Dan Hotel CEO Ronen Nissenbaum, who has completed four years in office. Nissenbaum announced about five months ago that he wanted to end his position due to personal reasons, and the desire to return to his family who lives in the United States. The farewell event was held at the Dan Acadia Hotel and included breakfast led by the hotel’s chef Golan Israeli.

Nissenbaum opened his remarks in English for his wife Karen, who had just arrived from the United States for the event, and told attendees that his replacement – Shlomi Tahan, was positive for Corona and therefore could not attend. Owner Ami Federman, delivered warm farewell remarks. Coming to Pargan and saying goodbye: Michal Federman, Ron and Shiran Federman, Zviki Firon and his wife Meira, Daniel Federman and his wife Sharona, David Federman, Tali Keidar, VP of marketing at Dan Hotels, Carmi Gilon, Ami Erel and his wife Osnat, Avi Nissenkorn, Amit Moshiach McCann-Erickson, CEOs of Dan Hotels across the country, and other board members.

Ami Federman and Ronen Nissenbaum (Photo: Guy Yechieli)Ami Federman and Ronen Nissenbaum (Photo: Guy Yechieli)
Sheeran and Ron Federman (Photo: Guy Yechieli)Sheeran and Ron Federman (Photo: Guy Yechieli)
Daniel and Sharona Federman (Photo: Guy Yechieli)Daniel and Sharona Federman (Photo: Guy Yechieli)
Osnat and Ami Erel (Photo: Guy Yechieli)Osnat and Ami Erel (Photo: Guy Yechieli)
Avi Nissenkorn (Photo: Guy Yechieli)Avi Nissenkorn (Photo: Guy Yechieli)
Amit Moshiach (Photo: Guy Yechieli)Amit Moshiach (Photo: Guy Yechieli)

5. In keeping with the spirit of the time, the Friends of the Weizmann Institute of Science Association, chaired by the Chairman of the Board of the Shimshon Harel Institute, continue to enjoy enriching meetings online. This week the friends listened to a lecture entitled: Told about the road from the Faculty of Mathematics to Unicorn.

Shimshon Harel (Photo: Itai Belson, Idan Zelikovich. Weizmann Institute of Science)Shimshon Harel (Photo: Itai Belson, Idan Zelikovich. Weizmann Institute of Science)

If you happened to walk in the Azrieli Mall in Tel Aviv this morning and saw Harel Wiesel maneuvering with the landlady Dana Azrieli, we are here to tell you that the two came to the launch of the first store in Israel of the international chain flying tiger copenhagen. The chain was founded in 1995, has gained great popularity and currently operates about 887 stores worldwide in about 29 countries. Wiesel, who owns the chain’s distribution license in Israel, and Hila Agzada, the chain’s CEO in Israel, also hosted the launch of Jans Arop Mickelsen – VP of sales for the global brand who came to Israel especially for the event.

Dana Azrieli and Harel Wiesel (Photo: Shuka Cohen)Dana Azrieli and Harel Wiesel (Photo: Shuka Cohen)

7. Shmuel Donnerstein, chairman and owner of the Rav Briach group, continues to support Israeli sports and individual athletes, and this week signed a sponsorship extension agreement with tennis player Lina Glushko for 2022. Glushko, 22, Israel’s senior tennis player and Israeli champion for 2020, has begun preparations for The first tournaments of 2022.

Shmuel Donnerstein and Lina Glushko (Photo: Liraz Pascal)Shmuel Donnerstein and Lina Glushko (Photo: Liraz Pascal)

8. The RGE group, owned by the Udi Recanati family, which owns leading TV channels, including the children’s channel, held a launch event this week at the Cinema City complex in Glilot for the new season of the show that flies back to the screen. Participating in the event: Or Ram and Yaron Segev – co-CEOs of the group, RGE Yoni and Racheli Fran, owners of Fran Productions, Avi Edri, CEO of Cinema City, Bnei Menashe, producer and owner of Aroma Music, children’s channel presenters for generations and more.

Yaron Segev, Yoni Fran and Or Ram (Photo: Rafi Daloia)Yaron Segev, Yoni Fran and Or Ram (Photo: Rafi Daloia)

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