The lounge: take photos and forget about a bar-am

by time news

The Tel Aviv Museum of Art opened its first exhibition of its kind last Thursday, based on the documentary director Ran Tal’s documentary film – “1341 Frames from Micha Bar-Am’s Camera” produced for yes Doku, which recently won the director, editing and Keren Kedar Award at the Dokaviv Festival.
The exhibition “Take a Picture and Forget” was curated by Dr. Noam Gal and Deputy Curator Naama Bar-Or. -Am, and the sons Nimrod and Barak. Came to pay tribute: the photographers – Alex Liebek, Ariel Yanai, Avi Ganor, Reli Avrahami, Pavel Wahlberg and Guy Raz; Former museum director Mark Sheps, producer Dudi Zilber, film editor Nili Feller, Michael and Dina Weiss, producer Nancy Pomogrin, Dorit Yishai, distributor of Warner and Universal films in Israel, director Amos Gitai and more.

Amos Gitai (Photo: Guy Yechieli)

Capital Market Where International Version

Over the weekend, the International Bank held a conference on “The Capital Market Where” with the participation of senior capital market officials. The conference was opened by the CEO of the International Bank, Smadar Barber-Tzadik, who noted that “we could not find a better time to meet the leaders of the capital market: a volatile period characterized by inflation we have not seen for decades, a European invasion of a neighboring country.” The conference was attended by: Hagai Schreiber, Deputy CEO of Phoenix, Amir Eyal, owner of Infiniti, Yossi Levy, CEO of Moore, Yair Lapidot, CEO and co-owner of Yellin Lapidot, Zvi Weil, senior vice president of the Harel Group and more.

Amir Eyal and Smadar Barber-Tzadik (Photo: Tamar Mitzpi)Amir Eyal and Smadar Barber-Tzadik (Photo: Tamar Mitzpi)
Yossi Levy (Photo: Tamar Mitzpi)Yossi Levy (Photo: Tamar Mitzpi)

Kokirman on the International Panel

Edward Kokirman, managing partner of the Israeli Catalyst Foundation, was the Israeli representative at the Viva Technology International Conference in Paris. The conference is considered a major conference in the global high-tech industry. Kokirman participated in a panel called Tech Crash 2.0 alongside fund managers from around the world and told the panel about the high-tech crisis from the Israeli angle: what is the current situation and how Israeli startups can overcome the challenges of the current period.

In memory of Kaufman
Doctors for Human Rights held an event last Thursday in memory of Prof. Bella Kaufman, president of the oncology department at Sheba Medical Center, and a human rights activist who accompanied the organization for many years. Kaufman herself died about a year ago after battling cancer.

As part of her many years of activity in the organization, Kaufman assisted in the struggle for the right of Gazan women and migrant women with cancer to receive continuous and quality medical care; In opposition to the deportation of refugees and children of migrant workers; And supported the provision of health services to the disadvantaged in Israel. As a sign of appreciation for Kaufman, it was decided to commemorate her name through the Open Clinic for the Disabled, which the association operates in its offices in Jaffa, and to call it from now on “the Open Clinic named after Prof. Bella Kaufman.”

The event in Kaufman’s memory was held at the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation’s offices in Tel Aviv, and was attended by the president of the Physicians for Human Rights Association, Prof. Rafi Walden, and the organization’s director general, Ran Goldstein. : Physicians, human rights activists, friends, acquaintances, and family representatives.

Rafi Walden and Ran Goldstein (Photo: Erel Yaros-Hakak)Rafi Walden and Ran Goldstein (Photo: Erel Yaros-Hakak)

In honor of Halevi
The French Ambassador to Israel, Arik Danon, presented the Chevalier dans l’Ordre des Palmes Académiques, Director of the Bloomfield Jerusalem Museum of Science, with the name of the French Government, in recognition of her contribution to promoting cultural cooperation. The scientific collaboration between Israel and France, and especially on the long-standing collaboration between the Museum of Science in Jerusalem and the Museum of Science in Paris – UNIVERSCIENCE. By the French Republic to academics and teachers in France and abroad, for their contribution to education and science.The signal of the Order was first given in 1808 by Emperor Napoleon.

Mia Halevi and Arik Danon (Photo: Baruch Gian)Mia Halevi and Arik Danon (Photo: Baruch Gian)

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