The Lounge: The Tinkerbell of Vehicles TMI

by time news

1. The Cameri Theater celebrated this week the premiere of the new version of “Peter Pan”, starring Mia Landsman as “Wendy”, Alon Sandler as “Peter”, and Noam Brett as “Tinkerbell”. An exciting meeting was recorded at the premiere event between Michal Rachbi and her daughter Noam Brett, who very talentedly plays the character of Tinkerbell.

2. The friends of the high-tech entrepreneur, CEO and founder of eToro -, Yoni Asia, celebrated his birthday with him this week with a performance by singer Noga Erez, at the ‘Barbie’ club. The happy groom took the stage and demonstrated singing skills.

Congratulations to Daphne Jackson, CEO of the Kahn Group, founded by businessman Maurice Kahn, who married producer Moshe Paran last Friday. The wedding was held at the Orient Hotel in Jerusalem and included a live acoustic performance by singer Aviv Geffen. The young couple: Maurice Kahn, Avi Eyal, Avigal Soreq and Haim Slutsky.

Maurice Kahn, Moshe Paran and Daphne Jackson (Photo: Tal Shimoni)

After a two-year postponement, following the Corona plague, the Israeli Opera premiered a new and original production of the opera “Pliachi” (“Clowns”, in Hebrew), directed by Rogero Leonqualo, directed and designed by Inbal Pinto. After the show, a festive reception was held with members of the Friends of the Israeli Opera Association, including: Aliza Jaffa, Chairman of the Friends Association and her husband, Prof. Ariel Jaffa; Janice and Danny Gillerman – Chairman of the Opera Board; Tzach Granit, director of the opera; Diti and Alex Landsberg, who sponsored the production in question; Frank Louis, Yitzhak and Adia Suari, Hava and Alfred Akirov, Talia and Gad Zeevi, Moshe and Batsheva Bublil, and many more.

Yitzhak and Adia Suari (Photo: Aviv Hofi)Yitzhak and Adia Suari (Photo: Aviv Hofi)
Alex Landsberg, Aliza Jaffa and Tzach Granit (Photo: Aviv Hofi)Alex Landsberg, Aliza Jaffa and Tzach Granit (Photo: Aviv Hofi)
Batsheva and Moshe Bublil (Photo: Aviv Hofi)Batsheva and Moshe Bublil (Photo: Aviv Hofi)
Frank Louis (Photo: Aviv Hofi)Frank Louis (Photo: Aviv Hofi)

5. On Sunday, the world premiere of the film “Parent – the film”, by Ohad Naharin, was performed by the dance troupe ‘Bat-Sheva’, and with the support of the fashion chain ‘Factory 54’. “Parent – The Movie” is Ohad Naharin’s second film, and through it he passes a stage work, through the camera lens, and processes it into a new work. Among the guests who came to watch the premiere: Yifat and Roni Irani from the owners of ‘Factory 54’, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Bahrain to Israel, Khaled Yussef al-Jalahma; The filmmaker Ohad Naharin – the in-house choreographer of ‘Bat-Sheva’ and winner of the Israel Prize, who came to the premiere accompanied by his wife Ari Nakamura and their daughter Noga Naharin; Bank Leumi Chairman of the Board Adv. Samer Haj-Yahya and his wife Eden, Yifat and Uri Levin – CEO of the Discount Group; Shi-Lee Schindler and Liad Agmon, Dina Eldor – CEO of the Batsheva Band; Miri Habas, Atalia Schmelzer, Ofra Reif-Schmelzer, Hadassah Fattal, Ribi Irani and Tomer Irani, Dafi Levy, Eran Pepper and more.

Khaled Yussef al-Jalahma and Yifat Irani (Photo: Rafi Daloia)Khaled Yussef al-Jalahma and Yifat Irani (Photo: Rafi Daloia)
Ari Nakmura and Ohad Naharin (Photo: Rafi Daloia)Ari Nakmura and Ohad Naharin (Photo: Rafi Daloia)
Eden and Samer Haj Yahya (Photo: Rafi Daloia)Eden and Samer Haj Yahya (Photo: Rafi Daloia)
Uri and Yifat Levin (Photo: Rafi Daloia)Uri and Yifat Levin (Photo: Rafi Daloia)
Ofra Reif - Schmelzer (Photo: Rafi Daloia)Ofra Reif – Schmelzer (Photo: Rafi Daloia)
To the Agmon destination (Photo: Rafi Daloia)To the Agmon destination (Photo: Rafi Daloia)

6. Senior members of the television industry showed up on Sunday morning at Hangar 11 in the Tel Aviv port, which was on holiday, on the occasion of HOT’s annual content and innovation event. The event was honored in his presence by Communications Minister Yoaz Handel, who announced the establishment of an Israeli fund for television works. HOT CEO Tal Granot-Goldstein won the Israeli content celebration, announcing that this year about NIS 130 million will be invested in more than 50 new series, of which eight series are co-produced with bodies from Israel and abroad.

Yoaz Handel and Tal Granot Goldstein (Photo: Rafi Daloia HOT)Yoaz Handel and Tal Granot Goldstein (Photo: Rafi Daloia HOT)

7. Avishai Avrahami, one of the founders and CEO of WIX, felt special pride and shared with his friends on Facebook about the mutual guarantee that the company’s employees discovered in Europe, with the outbreak of the war between Russia and Ukraine. , And together with our Polish team, helped the Ukrainian team and their families cross the border, and bring them to a place of safety. These people have never met. I am very excited and proud. “

Avishai Avrahami (Photo: Alan Tzetzkin)Avishai Avrahami (Photo: Alan Tzetzkin)

Last Tuesday, a special photo exhibition was launched, co-initiated by the Zappa, Mei Eden and Aroma Espresso Bar chains. In the Muse Moments exhibition, photographer Ido Isaac presents photographic documentation of thirty leading singers and composers, who were immortalized in the moments before taking the stage. Come and be impressed and also enjoy a performance by Ricky Gal and Orit Shahaf: Education Minister Yifat Shasha-Bitton, Golan Einat from the owners of the Zappa Group, Alon Alperovich, CEO of the Mei Eden Group, who created a special and limited edition of bottles with empowerment sentences whose proceeds will be donated To the Michal Sala Forum; Efrat Duvdevani, Noa Elephant, Uri Waterman, Hava and Moti Zingboim, Lily Ben Ami, founder of the Michal Sala Forum and more.

Alon Alperovich and Golan Einat (Photo: Rafi Daloia)Alon Alperovich and Golan Einat (Photo: Rafi Daloia)
Ido Isaac and Hava Zingboim (Photo: Rafi Daloia)Ido Isaac and Hava Zingboim (Photo: Rafi Daloia)

9. In a row for the members of the upper millennium – the Tel Aviv ‘Toto’ restaurant, by chef Yaron Shalev, will reopen this coming Sunday after two years in which it was closed during the Corona period. The closing period was used for a total renovation of the place. Last Friday, a number of businessmen were observed coming to dine at the venue, ahead of the official reopening.

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