The lowest electricity price was fixed in the country on Herb Day: he explained why this happened

by times news cr

According to Litgrid data, the average wholesale price of electricity for the week of August 12-18 in the Lithuanian price zone of the Nord Pool exchange increased by 10% compared to the previous week, from 96 to 106 euros per megawatt hour (MWh). At that time, the average wholesale electricity price in Latvia and Estonia was the same as in Lithuania.

“Last week, electricity consumption significantly decreased in Lithuania, and the non-working day on Thursday – Žolinė – had the biggest impact on this. Electricity consumption on Thursday reached 27.7 GWh and was the lowest in the previous week. The holiday is celebrated almost all over Europe, so last week electricity was the cheapest on European exchanges on Thursday. Nevertheless, electricity prices have been rising recently due to rising natural gas prices. In preparation for the winter, gas at the Dutch TTF trading sites crossed the 40 EUR/MWh mark and reached the highest point in the last 8 months,” Aistė Krasauskienė, head of Litgrid’s Market Development Department, was quoted as saying in the report.

Electricity consumption in Lithuania decreased by 5% during the week in question, from 220 GWh to 209 GWh. In Lithuania, local power plants provided 66 percent. of the country’s electricity consumption. In total, 138 GWh of electricity was produced in Lithuania last week, which is 1 percent. more than a week ago, when domestic production reached 137 GWh.

According to Litgrid, solar power plants produced the most electricity during the week – 36 percent. At that time, wind farms generated 28 percent of the electricity. electricity, hydroelectric power plants – 13 percent, thermal power plants – 15 percent, and other power plants – 9 percent.

According to the ratio of import and export, 41 percent. of the country’s electricity needs were imported. 74 percent were imported from Scandinavia via the NordBalt connection, 1 percent. imported from Latvia, and the remaining 25% – from Poland.

The total flow of electricity from Lithuania decreased by 3 percent. 90 percent of exports from Lithuania were directed to Latvia, and the remaining 10% – to export to Poland via LitPol Link.

For the flow of electricity, the utilization of the bandwidth of the “LitPol Link” connection reached 10 percent. in the direction of Poland and 47 percent. in the direction of Lithuania. NordBalt’s bandwidth utilization was 0 percent. In the direction of Sweden and 99 percent. in the direction of Lithuania.

2024-08-19 16:04:23

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