The macabre dance of a planet around its star

by time news
By measuring the mini-eclipses caused by the passage of the planet in front of its star (as above on this artist view), astronomers have been able to establish that transits are getting shorter and shorter for Kepler-1658b. thingumajig

DECRYPTION – Kepler-1658b is approaching its star and risks ending up in shreds.

For Kepler-1658b, it seems to be the last dance. The exoplanet would have entered a fateful waltz with its star, getting closer to it with each revolution, according to the observations of an American team of astronomers. At this rate, the exoplanet could be torn apart by its star in just a few million years. This work was published Monday in the journal The Astrophysical Journal Letters .

It is not quite the first time that we have witnessed such a spectacle. The planet Wasp-12b was suspected in 2018 to be more or less in the same situation, and many complementary studies have since confirmed it. For the moment, the situation is a little less clear for Kepler-1658b, but various experts interviewed by Le Figaro think this is the most likely scenario to explain the current observations.

“What’s really neat is that we’re entering a phase where we’re starting to have enough data…

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