The Made in Italy High School also opens in Trentino: here is the program – News

by times news cr

TRENTO. The Provincial Council of Trento will adopt in the next few days the regulation for the introduction of the Made in Italy high school in Trentino. This was announced – we learn – by the Councilor for Education and Vice President of the Province of Trento, Francesca Gerosaduring a hearing of the fifth permanent commission of the Provincial Council of Trento. The project for the new high school, which will be presented publicly at the 2024 edition of the TrentinOrienta fair, was presented to the press last August.

“We are exercising a precise political choice, responsible and aware, shared in the Council, where on Friday we will adopt the resolution with the regulation. We want to try to decline the national project in Trentino, making it an opportunity, to be developed in a participatory way, involving the world of school and pursuing interdisciplinarity. The 3, 4 and 5 October the TrentinOrienta fair it will give us the opportunity to present our project, then families and kids will make their choices and finally we will calmly do the sums”, explained Gerosa.

The Provincial Council opened the way to the introduction of the liceo with a resolution of last January 25, which established a working group to start the participatory discussion. The new educational offer is characterized by the presence of different subjects, including Italian, English, German, physics and mathematics with elements of statistics and computer science, natural sciences, history and philosophy, human sciences, law, political economy, history of art and design, legal sciences and economic sciences for Made in Italy and motor sciences.

Compared to the national one, the Trentino project foresees a two-year period consistent with the study plans of all high school courses, the achievement of the B2 level for both foreign languages ​​at the end of the fifth year, the maintenance of the 150 hours of school-work alternation within the second two-year period and in the fifth year. The councilors have expressed their opposition or doubts about the project Philip De Gasperi (Then), Michele Malfer (Base Camp) and Lucia Masters (Pd), while Mirko Bisesti (Lega) expressed skepticism about the national project.

2024-09-11 17:27:37

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