The Madrid Mental Health Federation publishes its 2022 activities report

by time news

2023-09-12 13:40:05

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[ID] => 97132
[post_author] => 2
[post_date] => 2023-09-12 13:40:05
[post_date_gmt] => 2023-09-12 11:40:05
[post_content] => [vc_row][vc_column width=”4/5″][vc_column_text]The Madrid Mental Health Federationcommitted to transparency, publishes for another year its Activities Report 2022 which summarizes the activities, services and projects carried out throughout the year 2022. In the words of the president of the Madrid federation, Olga Real Najarro, «once mental health begins to be placed on the political and social map after these years of pandemic and the crisis caused by the war in Ukraine, we have been called and called to participate more directly in the fight against stigma ». «We have participated in the Strategic Plan for Mental Health and Addictions of the Community of Madrid 2022-2024, collecting our contribution from a new preventive line for children and adolescents. In addition, we have been invited to participate in the first Suicide Prevention Plan of the Community of Madrid 2022-2026,” adds the president. This 2022 Activities Report highlights the various actions that have been carried out by the Madrid Mental Health Federation, such as the VI Cycle of Conferences, VII UMASAM Awards, the commemoration of World Mental Health Day, the institutional relationships that have been maintained throughout 2022. It also presents the economic information for the year 2022. «During 2023 we will continue working towards our main objectives, visibility and extensive work to benefit community mental health. In addition to strengthening the relationship with the federated associations, continue improving the quality of the services and activities we offer,” explains Olga Real Najarro, president of the Madrid Mental Health Federation. The memory is available at the following link: Activities Report 2022.

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[post_title] => The Madrid Mental Health Federation publishes its 2022 Activities Report
[post_excerpt] => The report includes the main communication actions (campaigns, impacts on the media) promoted in 2022, the activity of the Information and Orientation Service (SIO) and the Defense Office, the training they have carried out, participation in public or private events of interest, or activities to combat stigma and raise awareness about mental health carried out in 2022, among others.
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[post_modified] => 2023-09-12 13:48:54
[post_modified_gmt] => 2023-09-12 11:48:54
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The Madrid Mental Health Federation publishes its 2022 Activities Report

The report includes the main communication actions (campaigns, impacts on the media) promoted in 2022, the activity of the Information and Orientation Service (SIO) and the Defense Office, the training they have carried out, the participation in public or private events of interest, or activities to combat stigma and raise awareness about mental health carried out in 2022, among others.

The Madrid Mental Health Federationcommitted to transparency, publishes for another year its Activities Report 2022 which summarizes the activities, services and projects carried out throughout 2022.

In the words of the president of the Madrid federation, Olga Real Najarro, «once mental health begins to be placed on the political and social map after these years of pandemic and the crisis caused by the war in Ukraine, we have been called and called to participate more directly in the fight against stigma ». «We have participated in the Strategic Plan for Mental Health and Addictions of the Community of Madrid 2022-2024, collecting our contribution from a new preventive line for children and adolescents. In addition, we have been invited to participate in the first Suicide Prevention Plan of the Community of Madrid 2022-2026,” adds the president.

This 2022 Activities Report highlights the various actions that have been carried out by the Madrid Mental Health Federation, such as the VI Cycle of Conferences, VII UMASAM Awards, the commemoration of World Mental Health Day, the institutional relationships that have been maintained throughout 2022. It also presents economic information for the year 2022.

«During 2023 we will continue working towards our main objectives, visibility and extensive work to benefit community mental health. In addition to strengthening the relationship with the federated associations, continue improving the quality of the services and activities we offer,” explains Olga Real Najarro, president of the Madrid Mental Health Federation.

The memory is available at the following link: Activities Report 2022.

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