the Madrid press speaks of divine intervention

by time news

Real Madrid’s qualification for the Champions League final in a still totally crazy scenario has no logical explanation for the Madrid press.

Sometimes you don’t have to look for rational explanations. On Wednesday night, Real Madrid qualified for the Champions League final in a crazy scenario against Manchester City. A follower of turnarounds this season, the Casa Blanca has amazed the world of football and this morning the Spanish press still cannot believe it.

The sports daily Marca, a specialist in Real Madrid, simply evokes divine intervention by publishing “God come down and explain it“. The daily AS headlines for its part that Real Madrid “comes from another world».

The program El Chiringuito imagines Real Madrid in “Robin Hood”, since the club of the Spanish capital has eliminated the new rich of world football, PSG, Chelsea and City in unbreathable scenarios. For its part, Mundo Deportivo wonders “Who can explain the Bernabeu?» . Asked after this qualification for the final, Butragueno, former glory of the club and
Director of Institutional Relations of Real Madrid, said “one day my heart will stop“. A legendary semi-final.

SEE ALSO – When Carlo Ancelotti claimed Real Madrid were ‘capable’ of overthrowing Manchester City

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