The magical corner and the amazing bakery. This is Tel Aviv of Aviv Moshe

by time news

1. La La Land

One of the most invested and pampering beaches in Tel Aviv, with food and service at the highest level. If you are already sitting on the beach in Tel Aviv then Bella La Land. Gordon beach

>> Where do they find couple inspiration? The city of Nadav and Daniel
>> The sea, worth the effort for him. The city of Omri Keren

2. Dalal

A magical corner that brings to the city something different, a mix of Paris and the Mediterranean. The atmosphere and design are a backdrop for precise food that is very much to my taste. Chef Golan Gurfinkel has a suffix for dishes that is between French and Mediterranean food. Shabazi 10

Dalal (Photo: Keys & Phone Creative X Details)

3. Sharak

An amazing restaurant in terms of cuisine that is mostly fish but has one dish that I particularly like – eggplant tortillas. Every time I eat at Sharak I appreciate the restaurant more because the kitchen has an amazing hand. For me, Sharak is an escape to a greenhouse in Tel Aviv. Ben Yehuda 120

Roasted eggplant tortillas in Sharak (Photo: Ran Biran)

Roasted eggplant tortillas in Sharak (Photo: Ran Biran)

4. Pop and Pop Bakery

I happened to be at a meeting on Fourth Street, went into a bakery and was amazed. I did not know who the pastry chef was so I inquired and I want to take my hat off to the talented Ofer Ben Natan, who puts out such amazing things. The four 28

5. Yad Eliyahu Falafel

I have a falafel hammer at a crazy level. No matter how full I am, a good falafel always has a place. Yad Eliyahu has a small falafel that has been around for many years and has unsophisticated but great falafel. I do not know what the secret and the conditions are not something, but so delicious! I have great appreciation for people who in one dose are able to create an entire world. White Hand Boulevard 2

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