the main points of the council of ministers this Thursday, November 30, 2023 – Information in Guinea and around the world

by time news

2023-12-01 00:32:25

The ordinary session of the Council of Ministers was held under the high authority of His Excellency, Mr. President of the Transition, Head of State, Colonel Mamadi Doumbouya.

In the following lines, we offer you an extract of the content of the meeting briefed to the press by the Minister Spokesperson of the Government, Ousmane Gaoual Diallo.


“The council of ministers was held this Thursday, November 30. As usual, it was opened with a message from the President of the Republic who spoke on two main subjects.

– The first point concerns recruitment at the level of the Civil Service for which competitions are announced. And you know that there is a platform that is open to collect applications. The President of the Republic asked and insisted that members of the Government and senior executives not get involved in influence peddling for the choice of those who will be the future civil servants of this country. To leave the chance, the same for all Guineans. May the competition decide between them.

The President of the Republic mainly instructed the Minister of the Civil Service not to accept any intervention, any interaction from his colleagues or other military or civilian actors in the deliberations which will result. Let them allow Guineans who have the required skills to access our administration.

–The second point is on infrastructure. The President questioned the Minister of Public Works on the continuation of asphalting work on roads and projects which are announced in the prefectures. He mainly talked about the Mamou-Labé section…”

The Government Communication Unit

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