The male contraceptive pill arrives to be infertile 24 hours

by time news

The male birth control pill is here; at least for mice. According to research published in “Nature Communications” there is already a new drug candidate capable of rapidly and temporarily reducing male fertility in these animals. The finding, say researchers from the Weill Cornell School of Medicine in New York (USA), may represent a breakthrough in efforts to develop a male contraceptive pill. On this occasion, the key is in a molecule called TDI-11861, which this work has shown to work as a male oral contraceptive by temporarily blocking sperm functions. The article is presented as a new step towards an on-demand male contraceptive drug: that is, the study authors explain, the user could take a contraceptive pill before sexual intercourse and be fertile again the next day. Related News standard No Menstruation, which can hide heavy bleeding SF This is a situation that should be consulted with a specialist to rule out certain diseases Currently, male contraceptives are limited to condoms and vasectomy. Although there have been multiple efforts to develop new male contraceptives, these efforts have been limited by low efficacy, long run-through times, or negative side effects. This time, the key molecule is adenylyl cyclase (sAC), an enzyme essential for activating a sperm’s ability to swim and mature so it can travel through the female reproductive tract and fertilize an egg. The researchers developed soluble inhibitors of adenylyl cyclase and discovered that they can reduce human and mouse sperm motility, a key indicator of sperm function. For Luz Candenas de Luján, a reproductive biology researcher at the CSIC , what is interesting about this study is that the drug targets a very specific enzyme in sperm (one of the isoforms, ADCY10, is expressed almost exclusively in these cells) and, “although there are other more widely distributed isoforms, I think they have hit the key.” Using groups of mice, the authors conducted a series of proof-of-concept experiments to support the contraceptive action of sAC inhibitors. Thus they verified that fertility is eliminated in the hours following the administration of the drug. In several tests, they showed that TDI-11861 immobilized mouse sperm and prevented them from maturing. The compounds did not interfere with the sexual functioning of the animals. Although male mice did mate with females, no pregnancies were observed. Sperm recovered from female mice remained incapacitated. Contraceptive efficacy was 100% in the first two hours and 91% in the first three hours. The authors did not observe any side effects in either male or female mice. The effect of the compound wore off three hours later and the males regained their fertility. In addition, they emphasize the contraceptive efficacy was 100% in the first two hours and 91% in the first three hours. Within 24 hours, fertility had returned to normal levels. “Other attempts have been made to develop male contraceptives, but, for the moment, none of these drugs has managed to reach the clinic,” the CSIC researcher told the Science Media Center. Although the authors administered these drugs by injection in most experiments, they found that mouse sperm motility was also reduced by similar levels after oral administration. The authors conclude that, although clinical trials are necessary to confirm the efficacy of the drug in humans, “our research represents a valid proof of concept for the development of the first single-use contraceptive pill for men.”

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