The malfunction in the Dagon silos: part of the spare was located in Germany and will leave for Israel tonight

by time news

Last night it was announced that a technical malfunction that occurred in the Dagon silos in the port of Haifa could reduce the rate of grain unloading by 50%, and that the regulator needed to repair the malfunction was not in stock, neither in Israel nor overseas.

According to information received by Globes, the spare part was located in Germany, and will be sent tonight to Israel. He is expected to arrive over the next week.

A malfunction occurred in the rigging regulator – the brain of the system, which causes the grain that draws the grain to move uncontrollably and without being given an order, which could harm the ship or crew. In order to fix the fault, an ABB regulator is needed, which, as mentioned, was located today in Germany.

In the Dagon silo in the port of Haifa, which covers an area of ​​about 25 dunams in the western part of the port of Haifa, more than 3 million tons (and last year over 3820 million tons) of wheat grains, corn, soybeans and other ships arriving at the port are unloaded.

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