2024-04-15 15:50:00
EDITORIAL – A thousand billion, more precisely. The trillion additional public debt that Emmanuel Macron stuck to us in seven years: it was for an amount of two thousand two hundred billion in 2017, it is now three thousand two hundred.
Domestic policy, foreign policy, economy, industry, public services, social, culture, etc., the record of our dear, our astronomically dear President is in every way so unwelcome for France and the French, that if we had to give a title to the very, very bad television series of which he is the star, which has been imposed on us in the media since 2017, this title would be the exact opposite of that of the other television series, which, with “The man who was worth 3 billion”, made Lee Major famous worldwide (1): “The man who fell at the right time. »
Because with Emmanuel Macron, France is sinking. However, in the metaverse of real lies and permanent false truths coupled with accusatory inversions in which Jupiter evolves, if everything goes wrong in France, despite the always fully appropriate decisions that he takes, he has nothing to do with it: It’s the fault of the French. And it is also not the fault of his government that he did not wish to submit to the challenge of the truth of France-Soir, and the same concerning him.
It is clear, Mr. President, that notwithstanding the absolute magnificence of each of the extremely brilliant ideas that you have, and the excellence of your spielnothing is going well anymore. Everything has gone into disrepair, in this France, under your presidency.
And be careful! To the excellence of your spiel, today it is appropriate to put a caveat.
Indeed, the lexical field, like a siren song, thanks to which, at the start of your first mandate, you managed to distract the French from reality, these French people are less and less sensitive to it. From now on, only a tiny part of them are still fooled by the powder of perlimpinpin, of these French people who continue to swallow the snakes despite being “heavy”, and totally indigestible, those that you display, contemptuously, daily on the menu of “France from below“, while “France from above”, feasts handsomely at the expense of the taxpayer, like the scatophagi that they have become. Despite the dark mess in which the country finds itself after seven Jupiterian years at the Élysée, they persist in believing that you are “The providential man”: the version (and the aversion) “Here is » et « Gala» of a Charles de Gaulle 2.0, who, unfortunately for France, has turned into “Mister Bean. » (3)
But there is worse !
Everywhere you have sown discord behind you. Under your governance, national cohesion has suffered a terrible seismic shock: the “social divide” that Jacques Chirac was committed to reducing has reached the size of the San Andrea fault. And this both in length and depth.
By systematically stigmatizing this or that part of the population, by publicly designating a category of French people as falsely responsible for your disappointments, they end up tearing each other apart, even within families.
Typical example of this mystification, deliberately destructive of essential social cohesion, to make of the heterogeneous population of a country, a united and strong Nation (the famous “Live together“, in whose interest you say you are working, but against which the policy you are pursuing is going). This is the management of the covid crisis for which you have opted: maintenance and exasperation of collective fear, lies about the effectiveness of the vaccine, lies about the ineffectiveness of alternative treatments, lies about the existence, about the number and on the seriousness of the side effects of the vaccine, and falsely naming anti-vaxxers as being responsible for this resounding failure.
Because not only have you failed in all your duties, but, moreover, with the extra thousand billion in public debt and the related interest charge, you have also led France to bankruptcy.
« Whatever it takes!» you said and repeated, both during the covid crisis, and all the other numerous times, where you also drew heavily on the state coffers, without any convincing results, to justify the allocation of these billions, tens of billions, hundreds of billions.
Devil ! It’s easy for you to spend all this money: it’s not yours.
Without a doubt, history will judge you as the worst President of the Republic that France has known.
Waiting for the next one. Those that the mainstream media present as counting among them “the” personality who will succeed you in 2027, all without exception these gentlemen and ladies do not bode well.
Pardi! All of them have actively participated, each in their own way, in the general chaos in which we find ourselves. From then on, whoever is elected who emerges from this basket of crabs in 2027 is a foregone conclusion: they will be in trouble. He will continue and complete the methodical enterprise of dismantling France that you have undertaken on a high level, a dismantling commissioned by your people, on whose orders are these politicians highlighted. Highlighted by who? Media which all belong to these “famous” sponsors: the ultra-rich who bombarded you as President of the Republic in 2017, through this hallucinatory intervention, manipulation of the masses and Co.
Unless we bring to supreme power, in 2027, something other than a political puppet, committed to the ultra-rich and subject to NATO, France will not survive. She will die. She will die in atrocious suffering, in a civil war, buried in the middle of her values, those which once made her fame and greatness. Collective suicide “En Marche” finalized “Because it’s our project! »
However, let’s not dream.
A candidate truly against the oligarchy in place will never obtain the 500 sponsorships required to be a candidate for the presidency of the Republic.
Furthermore, even if he obtained them, the mainstream media would never give him the light, which, unfortunately (4), is necessary to be elected President.
And even if, I don’t know by what second miracle, this candidate, truly against the oligarchy in place, obtained more than 50% of the votes in the second round, that would be of no use: the Constitutional Council would invalidate his election, for a bogus reason invented ad hoc for this purpose, using one of the sleight of hand to which its President, Laurent Fabius, has accustomed us.
This is how it is: the system has been locked down for this despotic purpose, of allowing the existing oligarchy to always remain in power, while making people falsely believe that they live in a democracy where elected leaders serve. the public interest, and not the private interests of a privileged few (the new self-proclaimed nobility “France from above“), private interests antithetical to the public interest, 100% contrary to the interests of the people, of the average French person.
This is evidenced by the latest laws that you passed against sectarian abuses and online harassment. In reality they are tools for controlling private messages, which are insidiously added to the ban on publicly opposing state propaganda, the official truth generally completely unfounded, which is relayed by media at the orders that you subsidize at billion.
And once again you seem to have caught the war bug.
So if we want to change things, shouldn’t we change the system?
The French have done this many times, without resorting to armed revolution. In 1946 and 1958, for example, when, through a referendum, they changed the Constitution.
The power in place at the time was forced to make this change in the system by popular pressure, a popular pressure which was then exerted, both in the streets (giant demonstrations repeated non-stop throughout the country) and within the social body, at all levels and at all levels.
Well, French women, French people, let’s do it again!
However, if we succeed, let’s not be fooled again. This time let us finally opt for a system other than the pseudo-democracy in which we operate: this republic is an iniquitous system, the oligarchic yoke. Illustrated by what you call the rise of the extremes that you declare to fight while your camp is excessive on all subjects, evidenced by the anti-freedom of expression laws that you are proposing to the French. No, you are not fighting the extremes, by being excessive, you are facilitating the rise of national unity, as evidenced by the recent poll which places Bardella at 32% of voting intentions and which could see your party finish in third position behind a revival of the socialist party.
“Brazil is currently in a vast operation of repression of freedom of expression, on the brink of the precipice,” declared Michael Shellenberger, one of the journalists who updated the “Twitter Files” in Brazil: the scandal of interference of the power in place in social networks, an affair which has discredited many people.
Director Petre Costa had already described it perfectly in “The Edge of Democracy », her film on Brazil where she denounces the role of the country’s powerful financial elites, and where she concludes by saying that the shadow of tyranny always looms, and inevitably returns when the rich have had enough of playing democracy.
The Republic is this so-called “democratic” decoy that despots wave before our eyes, these white-collar dictators, within whom lies the cause of all our problems. The cancer that eats from the inside, such is the motto to which we are attached (“Liberty, equality, fraternity“), that the state political principle (“Government of the people, by the people and for the people“) which they diverted for their own benefit, and remains in practice in France under each Republic since the first:
“Government of the enemies of the people, by the enemies of the people and for the enemies of the people. »
(1) Lee Majors, the American actor who played “Steve Austin“, ex-astronaut turned secret agent in “The man who was worth 3 billion », et « Colt Seavers”, then, stuntman bounty hunter in “The man who fell at the right time. »
2) there are 9.2 million poor people in France.
3) when you put on a President’s suit clearly too big for you, eminently too broad for your shoulders and for your narrow-mindedness.
(4) the statistics have been formal and constant since 2002: each time it is the candidate who is most highlighted in the mainstream media, who is elected President of the Republic.
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