The man who fights the occupation – and votes for him: “The settlements are hurting the country but they are not doing it on purpose”

by time news

The Israeli institution’s new strategy works by the hour, and it has succeeded in a variety of ways in creating confusion and demoralization in Iran in addition to its intelligence and operational achievements. A senior security official warns against entering complacency, saying that Iranian revenge in Israel will come and that it is only a matter of time.

While negotiations between the powers and Iran over the new nuclear deal are faltering in a quagmire, Israel has transferred the war to Iranian territory. This is in addition to its ongoing war against the Iranian military establishment in Syria and the transfer of advanced weapons to Hezbollah.

While negotiations between the powers and Iran over the new nuclear deal are faltering, Israel has transferred the war to Iranian territory. This is in addition to its ongoing war against the Iranian military establishment in Syria and the transfer of advanced weapons to Hezbollah.

According to Iranian sources, Israel is fermenting the territory with the help of Iranian opposition organizations, such as the Mujahideen organization, along with cyber attacks on sensitive institutions and facilities and a series of assassinations of senior Iranians that have caused great demoralization in Iran.

The Mujahideen Halak organization announced on June 3 that hacking into cameras belonging to the Tehran municipality, while official Iranian websites reported that hackers had hacked into the Tehran municipality’s websites and internet and temporarily silenced them.

Iran’s supreme leader, Ali Khamenei, blamed the “enemies” on June 4, pointing an accusing finger at the United States, Israel and Western countries, in an attempt to exploit demonstrations in Iranian cities to harm his country.

Demonstrations in Iranian cities erupted in early May, with the participation of hundreds of people, in protest of the high prices of basic foodstuffs, and continued after the collapse of a building in the southwest of the country that killed 37 people.

According to Iranian sources, Israel is fermenting the territory with the help of Iranian opposition organizations, such as Mujahideen Halk, in parallel with cyber attacks on sensitive institutions and facilities, and a series of assassinations of senior Iranians that led to demoralization.

In a speech delivered by the supreme leader on Iranian television, Khamenei accused the enemy of trying to agitate the Iranian people through popular protest, psychological warfare, cyber attacks, cash flow and the use of mercenaries.

The mystery of the assassinations

Over the past month, a series of mysterious blows have been inflicted on Iran. The Israeli Mossad arrested and interrogated Mansour Rassouli, a Quds Force member of the Revolutionary Guards, on Iranian soil. His interrogation brought a lot of intelligence information, which led to the assassination of Hassan Ziad Khodai in the heart of Tehran. He was the deputy commander of Unit 840 of the “Revolutionary Guards” who planned many terrorist attacks against Israelis and Jews around the world.

Israel did not admit to the assassination, but the New York Times claimed from officials in the Biden administration that Israel had informed the administration that it was behind the assassination.

A few days later, a secret Iranian facility in Perchin was attacked by unidentified UAVs, a secret site where the Iranians are conducting tests in the field of nuclear and missile and UAV development. An Iranian scientist named Gad Beigi was killed in the attack and another worker was injured.

In the past month, a series of mysterious blows have been inflicted on Iran. The Israeli Mossad arrested and interrogated Rassouli, a Quds Force member of the Revolutionary Guards, on Iranian soil, and the information from his interrogation led to the assassination of Ciad Khodai in the heart of Tehran.

Last weekend, several small media outlets in Iran reported the mysterious deaths of two Iranian scientists.

the one, Job Antzari, who was a senior aeronautical engineer, a partner in several projects at a research institute in the city of Yazd and specialized in UAV development, died of “food poisoning.”

The Iranian news site Iran International, which is affiliated with the Iranian opposition, reported on July 4 that he was poisoned at a dinner to which he was invited. After returning home he felt ill and died. The report claims that the person who hosted him fled Iran. Tehran officials denied the allegations, saying “he died of an illness.”

And the other, Kamran Malafor, a nuclear scientist who worked at the Natanz facility, There have been two major explosions in the past that have been attributed to the Israeli institution and hit advanced centrifuges.

It is not clear if the deaths of the two scientists are the result of the Mossad’s activities, but the Iranian public is in a state of confusion. He follows the reports in the Western media and on social networks and is under the impression that the Ayatollahs’ regime has lost its security control and that the Israeli institution is doing its bit in the security field.

It is unclear whether the institution is responsible for the deaths of the scientists, but the public in Iran, which is following the reports in the West, is confused. He is under the impression that the Ayatollahs’ regime has lost its security control and the Israeli institution is doing its part.

In the past, the Israeli institution has been blamed for the assassinations of six Iranian nuclear scientists, led by the father of the Muhsin Fakhri Zada ​​nuclear program. In addition, there are reports in the media, from senior Israeli political and security sources, that Prime Minister Naftali Bennett has ordered the Israeli institution to transfer the secret war to Iranian territory.

To this must be added the open statement of Mossad chief David Barnea, who publicly pledged in December 2021 that “Iran will never have nuclear weapons.”

The close succession of these events, which came one after the other, and the sudden death last week of a senior Revolutionary Guards officer named Ali Ismailazada, also from Unit 840, who mysteriously “fell” from the roof of his house, give the impression that the secret war between Israel and Iran Continues in full force on the territory of Iran.

Intelligence sources in the West estimate that Ali Ismail Zada ​​was assassinated by the Iranians themselves, who suspected him of passing on to the Israeli institution the information that enabled the assassination of Hassan Ziad Khodai, deputy commander of Unit 840 in the Quds Force.

“Revenge is only a matter of time”

Following Iran’s threats of retaliation in Israel, the Royal Thai Police last night issued an order to police across the country saying “keep an eye on spies from Iran, who are suspected to be in the country.”

The statement said security agencies were monitoring the movement of Iranian civilians and some Thai Muslims suspected of being spies.

A senior security source estimates that the Iranians are planning a number of revenge attacks in Israel and that “revenge there is only a matter of time.”

He explained that in a secret war there is not just one side that wins all the time, and that although the Israeli defense establishment thwarts most of the attacks that Iran is planning against Israeli targets, there is no one hundred percent success. According to him, the Iranians may find the breaches or the “Achilles’ heel” of Israel’s security, which will allow them to avenge it directly or through its terrorist affiliates.

In fact these days, the director of Turkish intelligence, with the help of the Israeli Mossad, is conducting an extensive manhunt in Turkey after an Iranian assassination squad was sent specifically to harm Israelis staying in Turkey.

The Iranians are determined to avenge the deaths of Muhsin Fakhri Zada ​​and Hassan Ziad Khodai in Israel. This is the direct instruction of Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei To the commander of the Revolutionary Guards, Hussein Salami.

The close chain of events, and the sudden death of the senior officer of the Revolutionary Guards who mysteriously “fell” from the roof of his house, give the impression that the secret war between Israel and Iran continues on Iranian territory

The Iranian leadership is stressed, it feels that Israel has achievements in the secret war, which are hurting the Iranian morale, and it is looking for a quick way to restore its deterrence against Israel.

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