The man who threw a bottle at Milei could receive up to five years in prison 2024-03-02 20:04:00

by time news

The Federal Justice ordered that the man who threw the bottle at President Javier Milei during his assumption last December 10, go to oral and public trial. For the attack he could receive up to five years in prison.

Is about Gaston Mercanziniwho was identified thanks to the security cameras, when he threw the bottle towards Milei in the caravan on Mayo Avenue, after his inauguration. The object hit one of the president’s guards and caused injuries.

Federal judge Ariel Lijo concluded the investigation stage and sent the case to oral and public trial by attempted minor injuries to Milei and her sister Karina, who was at his side, and consummated with respect to the custodian Guillermo Agustín Armentano.

In his investigation, Mercanzini stated that he “did not want to hurt anyone” and that he was drunk. “I regret it, I did not want to attack the President,” he stated.

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For Lijo, the accused did have the intention of hurting Milei and therefore classified the intentional injuries. “Both the images captured during the presidential inauguration, as well as the statements of the accused at the time of making his defense – who stated that he was affected by the President’s speech -, together with his publications on social networks, lead to the assumption that The action taken by the accused was specifically aimed at harming the president. Such aspects allow the knowledge and will of the accused to be fully accredited; That is, the author has not only known the consequences of his action, but he had the intention of carrying out the objective type,” the judge said.

Mecanzini awaits trial in freedom and must appear before a single-person court andn federal court 9 still no date set.

Who is Gastón Mercanzini

Gastón Ariel Mercanzini is 51 years old and He served as director of Culture in the Entre Ríos municipality of Concepción del Uruguay, where he was linked to a series of scandals that affected him, including a complaint for fraud.

Carlos Schepens, a historic Peronist leader and mayor of that district between 2011 and 2015, removed him from his political position, after Mercanzini took leave due to “personal problems.”

“Therefore I decline the designation of the post of Director of Culture of the Secretariat of Government of the Municipality of Concepcion of Uruguay of Mr. Gastón Ariel Mercanzini, DNI No. 22,544,022, as of the day of this date,” he prayed ordinance 23.333 of February 7, 2013, signed by the former mayor (2011-2015) who is currently retired.

Mercanzini had been criticized on social networks for alleged fraud. The complaint, which also included his number two and undersecretary of Culture, Tourism and Sports, Jorge Gato Gay, was promoted by the star Violeta Lo Ré and Agustín Belforte. Added to this was another scandal due to a family complaint that went viral on Facebook.

RB / Dog

2024-03-02 20:04:00

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