The March 7 strike will not be an extension of the “brothel in the Assembly”, promises Berger

by time news

He is angry with the deputies and takes a look at the course of the demonstrations. Laurent Berger denounced this Monday morning, on Europe 1, the way in which the debates on the pension reform took place in the National Assembly.

“The spectacle which is given to the National Assembly is unworthy, shameful”, judges the secretary general of the CFDT. He regrets that article 7 of the text was not put to the vote. This is the one that extends the contribution period by two years and crystallizes discontent. “There are millions of citizens, workers who demonstrate for several days against the postponement of the age, mainly to 64 years. And the national representation does not debate this subject, ”he regrets.

He believes that this reflects a double problem: on the one hand that of the legislative procedure adopted by the government and which has considerably limited the time for debate through Article 47.1 of the Constitution, on the other hand “the behavior of certain deputies, in particular of La France insoumise (LFI)”. They “considered that the obstruction was more beneficial, against the opinion of the trade unions, than going as far as Article 7”. Debates ended on Friday. The text will now be examined in the Senate.

He joins his CGT counterpart on this point. Philippe Martinez denounced Sunday, on BFMTV, the fact that “we talk more about the atmosphere of the National Assembly than the substance of the problem. “There is also the problem of the deputies who did not want to go as far as Article 7. There was a desire not to go there in order to appropriate this social movement and put the trade union organizations in the background . »

He supports Philippe Martinez against Jean-Luc Mélenchon

“Between Mélenchon and the trade union movement, things are not going very well”, added the general secretary of the CGT, a statement supported “very clearly” this Monday by Laurent Berger. The figure of LFI replied on Sunday: “Let’s forget these divisive remarks. Thank you to the deputies who blocked the adoption of the retirement at 64 years. To succeed on March 7, you have to be united! »

March 7 is the day of the next day of mobilization against the pension reform. An inter-union call to “put France on hold” has been launched. Several sectors are likely to embark on a renewable strike.

Laurent Berger promises that this day will go better than the debates in the National Assembly. “The March 7 strike will not be an extension of the mess that happened in the National Assembly. March 7 is the continuation of the union movement orchestrated since the first demonstration on January 19. »

Finally, the union official is sorry that Marine Le Pen is partially winning the situation in the Assembly. The boss of the National Rally would be, according to a poll, the best opponent of the reform in the eyes of the French, in front of Mélenchon. “There is a mirror effect” with the deputies. “She hid. She doesn’t have a lot of conviction, I believe, on the subject of pensions, and yet she takes advantage of it. The problem is here. »

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