“The March for Justice”, an “anti-police” demonstration? No. A patchwork of discontent aimed at power

by time news

2023-09-29 22:30:00

REPORTAGE – “The march for justice” on September 23 was the subject of many indignant comments. Renamed the “Shame Demonstration” or “anti-police demonstration”, the media coverage of the event gave the impression that the tens of thousands of people who participated were there to shout their hatred of the police and denounce alleged racism systemic from which this institution would suffer. This is not true. We went there to see what was going on in the Parisian procession. (Read the rest of the article below the video.)

It is clear that this march is mainly the subject of attempts to recover everything and that we give a less than faithful vision of it. The unacceptable attack to which police officers were victims on the sidelines of the demonstration is relayed over and over again. A handful of hooded thugs attacked a police car with heavy blows with an iron bar, to the point that one of the police officers felt forced to defend the crew by threatening the horde of attackers with his weapon. It is terrible that it had to come to this, and the indignation aroused by such an attack on members of the police is very legitimate. But it does not summarize the march, and these abuses also occurred outside the demonstration.

Political discontent

And yes, there were some slogans denouncing pseudo “police violence”, as if the violence was systemic in the institution. We could see a few “police kills”, as if it were a common occurrence and a normal way of operating the institution. Likewise, we were able to see signs or hear speeches, denouncing racism, not necessarily police racism. Racism exists, we cannot deny it. Everywhere…

But the vast majority of people present took the opportunity of this march to express political discontent and social demands.

We spoke to people who came to express their distrust of the President of the Republic and his government. The forceful passages of the law in 49.3 do not pass, in particular concerning pension reform. The “great consultation”, not followed by effects, after the demonstrations of the yellow vests either. Inflation, the rise in gasoline and energy prices, the rise in wages, housing difficulties, student poverty, difficult ends of the month, ecological concerns, particularly among young people, the crisis hospitals, national education, etc. were at the heart of many of the demonstrators’ demands. Others called for a Sixth Republic, a more participatory democracy, more justice, expressed, rightly or wrongly, a concern about a decline in democracy, and even revolution. A small group attempted an “everyone hates the police”; It lasted a few seconds and was barely repeated. This march was in fact a patchwork of discontent with varied causes, expressed by citizens who no longer feel represented and listened to, and take every opportunity given to them to say so.

Social inequalities, freedom, the right of everyone to live with dignity

There were banners for the Right to Housing, the CGT, environmentalist students, hospitals, for education, against President Macron, racism, against overly expensive rents,…

The political figures that we heard, such as the LFI deputies William Martinet or Antoine Léaument, were not mistaken, who above all spoke about social inequalities, freedom and the right of everyone to live in dignity. . And when it came to the police, “we are not marching against the police, we are marching against Darmanin”, asserted Antoine Léaument. And to point the finger at political responsibility in terms of management of law enforcement, to demand better training of police officers, the strengthening of the resources of the judicial police to fight against big traffickers rather than against small dealers. “As always, we want to go after the big guys, not the little guys.”said the elected.

It should also be noted that during the hours we covered this march, it took place peacefully. Moreover, it seems that no injuries were reported, apart from three police officers who were passengers in the vehicle attacked on the sidelines of the demonstration, and official information indicates very light injuries.

So, all the statements we have been hearing over the past few days, suggesting that the demonstrators were there to scream hatred against the police, with violent intentions, are an attempt at political co-opting or a form of disinformation. Yes, there were a few violent individuals who took advantage, as is often the case, of a popular gathering to commit some abuses. Yes, there were a few anti-cop slogans, but for the most part, the discontent expressed was political and social.

#March #Justice #antipolice #demonstration #patchwork #discontent #aimed #power

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