The Marchantes, around the Sun

by time news

Almost never, neither in February on the 14th, nor in March the 8th, nor on the second Sunday of May, birthdays or for the graduation party, do we evade the temptation to share a sweet, and if when the variety and “appetizing” arrive on the shelf design” point out the quality, we come out with the candy, regardless —many times— destinations and cost.

In whose hands does that satisfaction rest in Artemis? Where do we artemiseños go to satisfy such pleasure? There are few answers, and the safe ones are in the hands of the new companies, capable of circumventing the trade embargo that prevents Cuba from buying abroad.

This is how Tuesday and Thursday, from 3:00 to 6:00 in the afternoon, are the periods of time in which the people of Artemisa buy more pastries, affirms, according to its market study, one of the MSMEs that makes breads, sweets and chocolate products, in the provincial capital.

Before they dabbled in Self-Employment (TCP), but Los Marchante, a year after starting this new form of management, are gaining addicts, and perhaps the secret lies in the stability of their sales, the diversity of flavors, colors , textures; even with variants tasted for the first time among the locals.

How many are there, what do they do, how, where do they import raw materials from, will there be chains with other entities? Why those prices? Which provide? Where are your plans going?

In principle, just some of the many questions in front of a young Hydraulic Engineer, who in the first person describes his efforts and those of some 20 workers who have been with him for a year this March.
And yes, it is he who directs, based on flour, sugar, vegetable cream, powdered and condensed milk, baking powder, yeast, improver, chocolate coatings, butter, jams…, a company that is positioned in the city walk. .

Manuel Gómez Marchante, assures that the specialty from which he graduated from the Technological University of Havana, known as CUJAE, has given him “the subtlety, ingenuity and open mind, to start the business, even if at first glance do not have a close relationship between your profession and your trade”.

They have two points of sale: on calle 52, between 25 and 23, and on calle 38 between 33 and 35, both in Artemisa

Productive chain, still chimera

After working non-stop for 12 months, there is no barrier that he is not capable of overcoming, insists the young man in his thirties.

“The beginnings are almost always complicated. We go through quite a bit of work. The equipment is essential, and many of the machines and ovens are rebuilt, wear out, motors burn out, everything is obsolete.

“The business environment requires documentation and contracts, and we were not trained as TCP to comply with that imprint; Meanwhile, the entities with which we must have relations do not underestimate bureaucracy and slowness in their actions, beyond other fissures to deal with.

“However, it is worth mentioning the attention of the Government, the Administration, the Electric company, the Bank, among others, with their full support in order to move forward, after the conversion from self-employed to entrepreneur.

“A separate point this year have been raw materials, almost entirely imported. Bringing sugar from Colombia and Brazil, and other products from Mexico, Spain, Italy… makes each little marquee, tartlet or cake on sale more expensive”.

“Domestic production? Nothing, except the egg, but with a very limited offer that does not satisfy our demand”, recognizes Rolando Ortega Canals, administrator of the Mipyme.

“With the Artemisa Dairy Company, not even butter. We buy 25 kilograms at 400 dollars in the international market. We can agree with local or cooperative entities to pay in MLC, but it has not been possible”.

In a very small space of 200 square meters
manage all your chores

Alliances between economic actors?

In just one year, the way of managing with independence and guarantees, boosts the growth of production; however, the space of about 200 square meters limits the daily dynamics.

Various procedures converge there, including mixing and baking, in about five machines and two ovens… plus at least ten workers; the final process, and even wholesale marketing.

We have in safe harbor the new technology from China that will improve the assortments and the quantity. Where to install them is the paradox? Eyes are drawn to state entities of their type, which could be leased and adjust productions, since their windows are not so rosy: guava jam in two formats (100 and 450 pesos) is an example of how much is exhibited for days in central units related to confectionery.

“Between conversations and understandings with the Artemisa Business Group, we are going, because agreeing where, what to do and until when, could open a new spectrum in the commercialization of breads, sweets and chocolate products, which we long to have on offer 24 hours a day” , explains Ortega Canals.

And the prices? It is again the latent question. He assures that “they have done a study of schedules and varieties of products to approach each sector of the population, and based on that they foresee variety, which is conditioned by demand and the quantity to be sold.”

in search of balance

What is certain is that the basic basket bread, despite the effort, does not cover the slightest demand in the face of other deficiencies, nor the 5,000 sweets that once a week or the carboneras cookies —when they have what it takes— They are sold by the state sector as a fair. Disjointed alliances between scarce supplies, weak management and unsatisfied wages are perceived.

And since very little can be done with their hands tied, postponing deficiencies and inhospitable places is not appropriate if there are alternatives and possible contracts that do not leave any worker helpless and include small sections in favor of retail trade, with no intermediaries other than consumers.

Would we all win? What do we lose? The United States Blockade exists, and here it is clearly understood: a Mipyme can buy where the State is denied. That the territorial development competencies be capable of chaining the links that lead to these responses, and include, where possible, social tasks, valid to equalize possibilities.

Frank Hernández González, director of Economy of the Provincial Administration, assures the contribution in ascent of the Mipymes. Last December they contributed 29 million pesos (the newly constituted ones do not enter the State in a year and the TCPs do so after six months), in January and February 2023 more than 30 million with only 67 of the almost 300 that coexist among the Artemisians.

I don’t think it’s an easy task to find a balance between economic actors, but it is an urgent one. Opportunities, says an old proverb, look better when they are far away.

So that there are businesses that lower costs, competitive prices, chains, and shop windows that make you fall in love with cream, lemon, tres leche, chocolate and strawberry tarts, plus tiramisu, opera, custard, tartlets, and whatever is innovative in specialty, design and flavor , to strip away the limited offer and brighten up special dates, since a party that is respected always has sweets to share.

In its aspiration to contribute to the Artemisa community, the Mariana Grajales de Artemisa Maternity Home received a donation of 50 kilograms of powdered milk, imported from Spain. And they will also help the diet of pregnant women with grains and sugar, among other donations.

The post Los Marchante, a return to the Sun appeared first on Artemisa Diario.

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