The Martinovics-Táncsics utca intersection will become safer – Dunakanyar Region

by time news

New Crossings Coming to Martinovics⁣ utca

Three new pedestrian crossings will⁤ be created in Martinovics utca, Budai Nagy Antal utca and Táncsics Mihály utca. The works are expected to be completed during the summer holidays.

The Eszterlánc⁣ Kindergarten, the Christ the King Roman Catholic Primary​ School and the Miklós Gimnázium in Radnót see a surge in children every day, leading to increased car traffic in⁣ the area during morning and afternoon rush hours. To ensure⁣ the safety of ‍young pedestrians, local council representative József Szabó ‍initiated the‌ creation of three zebra crossings at the affected intersection.

“To complete the work successfully, it is absolutely necessary to periodically close the junctions, so we are carrying out the development in two⁢ phases.‍ In order to facilitate traffic and parking, we will provide signage during construction. Our plan is to complete the entire investment by the end of‍ the‍ summer vacation. We ask for your patience during this time,” said József Szabó to the Post.

Phase I:

The intersection of Táncsics Mihály and Budai⁤ Nagy Antal streets is currently closed in both directions with no-entry signs. Only residents of the affected properties are eligible ⁣for compensation. ​This closure is ‌expected to last two​ weeks,⁤ until August ⁣16th.

Phase II:

The Martinovics–Táncsics Mihály utca intersection⁤ will be⁣ closed in both directions ⁣with no-entry signs. ​Simultaneously, the road sections closed during Phase ⁣I will ⁢be‍ reopened according to the regular traffic schedule.⁣ This closure is also expected to last two weeks.

“The construction contractor ‍will carry out the⁣ work in stages, so ‍the entry and stopping bans posted on road sections will be‌ lifted as soon as the ‍work allows. In each construction phase, we will⁤ try to minimize the​ area⁤ of⁤ closure. Please drive with extra⁣ caution ​on ⁤the road section, pay ‌attention to the changed signage, ​and do not park in the vicinity of the construction⁢ site,” the representative‌ emphasized.


To ⁢ensure the⁢ smooth ‍progress ‍of ⁣the construction, vehicles waiting on ⁤the road section despite the ban can be removed by the public area supervision with the cooperation of the police.

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