The masterstroke of Brice-Constant Paillat and his family

by time news

Republican Tour Stage of Mulundu: the masterstroke of Brice-Constant Paillat and his family to receive the Head of State

4 avril 2023

In accordance with his announcement, the President of the Republic, Ali Bongo Ondimba was in the Ogooué-Lolo province, during the short period from March 30 to April 1, 2023.

As part of a Republican tour, started in the previous months, this visit by the Head of State to Ogooué-Lolo began in Koula-Moutou, capital of the province, before extending in its administrative divisions.

Mulundu stage: with other daughters and sons of the department, Brice-Constant Paillat welcomed Ali Bongo Ondimba.

Arrived in the department of Mulundu, precisely in Latoursville, Ali Bongo Ondimba received a warm welcome. At the maneuver, the political leaders from this locality. Among them, Brice-Constant Paillat. With his cohort of young people and executives (Team Brice-Constant Paillat), the recent ex-Minister of Transport mobilized Mulundoises and Mulundois.

Accustomed to this exercise, given his many trips to Mulundu, as a strong militant of the party of Ali Bongo Ondimba, the CEO (Parti Démocratique Gabonais), Brice-Constant Paillat had no difficulty in bringing his sisters together and brothers, beyond political affiliations.

The message given was clear, as one Mulundois pointed out: “Ali Bongo Ondimba, the President of the Gabonese Republic arrives at our place… Let us receive the latter with the respect due to his rank“.


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