The mayor of New York, Eric Adams, participated in the lighting of the largest lamp in the world

by time news

As he prepares to enter the New York mayor’s office in the coming days, Eric Adams, who was elected to the post with the votes of tens of thousands of ultra-Orthodox, arrived to light the largest menorah in the world | “We know what the Lubavitcher Rebbe did for all of us and how he published the importance of Hanukkah and placing the menorahs everywhere in the world.” said

At the height of preparations for his inauguration as mayor of New York, after his political victory, Eric Adams, came to attend the lighting of the world’s largest lamp, located on Fifth Avenue in Manhattan, near the famous Central Park.

Adams’ arrival, on the eve of his inauguration, aroused much interest among the American media. Adams was elected, among other things, by the votes of the masses from the ultra-Orthodox community, who see him as a decades-old friend. It was hoisted on a special crane during the lighting of the menorah, with Rabbi Shmuel Butman, director of the global Chabad youth movement, who has been operating the historic menorah for decades.

The elected mayor took advantage of the festive moments and in front of a crowd of crowds crowding the venue ahead of the lighting, Adams chose to address the placement of the public menorahs; “We know what the Lubavitcher Rebbe did for all of us and how he published the importance of Hanukkah and placing the menorahs everywhere in the world,” Adams said. Here and participate in this class. “

Adams would have looked excited about the class: “We need each other, despite the difficulties in it,” he said, “We know the New York community is powerful, strong and we people believe. I tell you and your family to have a happy and safe Hanukkah.”

At the end of his speech, the lighting ceremony was held, led by Rabbi Botman, with the general public cheering with great enthusiasm and excitement, to be present at the lighting of the largest lamp in the world, which annually brings the news of Nisa publications to particularly large volumes. In the large audience, there are, among others, many media people, who come every year to document the class. And this year, too, huge crowds were exposed for lighting.

Throughout the days of Hanukkah, the largest lamp in the world was lit every evening, designed by the Israeli artist Yaakov Agam, in which he was involved in the details of the late Rebbe of Lubavitch, who even expressed his opinion that it would be the largest lamp in the world. Senior personality turn on the lamp.

“The fact that Mr. Adams, despite his many occupations, chooses to come here just before he takes office,” says Rabbi Botman, “sends a very big positive message to New York Jews and American Jews in general. The many echoes of his arrival and the lighting of the lamp every evening, repeatedly illustrate to us the great importance of lighting the lamp on a city street. Many awaken to Torah and mitzvos as a result of this lamp that illuminates many Jewish hearts. “

The largest lamp in the world requires preparation for its construction and lighting. Three levers serve the lamp: two levers on either side that raise the lighters to the “top of the lamp” and the middle lever for lighting the “sun”.

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