The mayor of Toulouse taken to task by a hundred people

by time news

2023-06-22 12:21:00

During the Fête de la Musique, the mayor of Toulouse claims to have been insulted by members of the Uprisings of the Earth and by the ultra-left.

By Nathan Joubioux with AFP The mayor of Toulouse, Jean-Luc Moudenc, told AFP that he was attacked by a hundred people on Wednesday evening. © FREDERIC SCHEIBER / Hans Lucas / Hans Lucas via AFP Published on 06/22/2023 at 12:21

A few hours after the dissolution of the Earth Uprisings (SLT) collective in the Council of Ministers, the mayor of Toulouse, Jean-Luc Moudenc, indicated that he had been taken to task, Wednesday June 21, by a hundred people, some wearing SLT banners. He also claims to have been the target of “masked people from the ultra-left”, who threw “projectiles” at him found in garbage cans, slightly injuring a person accompanying him.

“I can only condemn once again the violence, the insults, the throwing of projectiles and the physical confrontation of these small groups”, tweeted the city councilor, who was out to “greet the people of Toulouse on the occasion of the Music Festival “.

Gérald Darmanin gave his “support” to the mayor of Toulouse, “who along with other elected officials was the subject of an unacceptable attack this evening by individuals from the ultra-left who were clearly taking part in a rally in support of the Uprisings of the Earth, ”tweeted the Minister of the Interior. “Violence cannot be accepted in the Republic. »

On a video posted on social networks, we see Jean-Luc Moudenc and his team being booed by the demonstrators.

Sabotage and damage attributed to the collective

The government accused the collective of “calling” and “participating” in violence. “The use of violence is not legitimate under the rule of law and that is what is sanctioned,” said government spokesman Olivier Véran on Wednesday noon, when formalizing the dissolution of the collective. .

“Under the cover of defending the preservation of the environment”, this movement “incites the commission of sabotage and material damage, including by violence”, writes the government in its decree of dissolution. But, “no cause justifies the particularly numerous and violent acts” to which it “calls and provokes” and “in which its members and sympathizers participate”, adds the decree.

READ ALSOIn Nantes, the Uprisings of the Earth destroy ecologyThe government had initiated the dissolution procedure on March 28, a few days after the violent clashes between gendarmes and opponents of the water reservoirs of Sainte-Soline (Deux-Sèvres), for which it had attributed responsibility to the movement. The procedure, which remained blocked for more than two months, finally succeeded after a new demonstration supported by SLT this weekend, against the Lyon-Turin rail link, marked by scuffles.

#mayor #Toulouse #task #people

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