The meeting in memory of the Honorable, Professor, Lawyer Felice Maurizio D’Ettore

by time news

Arezzo, 19 September 2024 – SOn Saturday 21 September 2024, a meeting in memory of the Honorable, Professor, Lawyer Felice Maurizio D’Ettore will take place in the Sala dei Grandi of the Palazzo della Provincia di Arezzo. The initiative promoted and desired by Alessandro Polcri, President of the Province of Arezzo and Francesco Macri’, President of ESTRA SPA, and member of the Board of Directors of Leonardo, together with colleagues and family, would like to remember, one month after his passing, the figure of Professor Maurizio D’Ettore.

D’Ettore, an enlightened politician, has been able to influence many areas, local, regional and national, but above all he has served the Institutions in an invaluable way, even in his last role as National Guarantor of people deprived of personal liberty, a role that has highlighted his profound human side.

The Province of Arezzo, ideally connected also to his Locri, where he died prematurely, will give the opportunity to his many friends, to the Institutions and to the entire political world, to pay homage to him and participate in the deep condolences.

In fact, speeches are expected from high national and local officials, from the Undersecretary of Justice, Hon. Andrea Delmastro delle Vedove, to the National Guarantor of persons deprived of personal liberty, Dr. Irma Conti, to academic representatives of the University of Florence, Prof. Avv. Filippo Donati, professor of constitutional law and Prof. Hon. Giuseppe Conte, professor of Private Law and president of the 5 Star Movement.

The Hon. Giovanni Donzelli, National Coordinator of Fratelli d’Italia, will outline his political profile. The appointment in the Palazzo della Provincia is for 10:30, which will see a large audience of guests.

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