The meeting of LDDK members will decide on the appointment of Gorks to the position of general director

by time news

The Latvian Employers’ Confederation (LDDK) will decide on the candidacy of Kaspars Gorkš for the position of general director of the organization on Wednesday, according to the information published by the Latvian Employers’ Confederation (LDDK).

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LDDK states that a meeting of LDDK members will be held on Wednesday, within the framework of which LDDK members will discuss with Prime Minister Krišjāni Kariņa (JV), Finance Minister Arvilas Asheraden (JV) and Economy Minister Ilzi Indriksoni (NA) on the issues of Latvian economic transformation and entrepreneurship, as well as decide on operational issues of the LDDK organization, including the approval of the candidate for the post of general director.

The first hour of the LDDK members’ meeting will be devoted to a discussion with the Prime Minister, the Minister of Finance and the Minister of Economy on the issues of Latvian economic transformation, the competitiveness of the Latvian economy and the business environment, with special emphasis on the competitiveness and export potential of Latvian companies.

On the other hand, in the second part of the meeting, members of LDDK will vote for Gorkš’s candidacy for the position of general director of LDDK.

The meeting of LDDK members will be held in a hybrid format, with the opportunity to participate in the meeting in person, as well as by connecting to the “Zoom” platform.

Gorkš, who was previously the president of the Latvian Football Federation, is currently the executive director of the Latvian Team Sports Association.

It has already been announced that 51 applications were submitted in the competition for the post of director general of LDDK.

It has also been reported that the current Director General of LDDK, Līga Menľelsons (AS), was confirmed as the Minister of Health in December 2022.

As of January 14, Ilona Kiukucāne, the former deputy general director for policy planning and administrative issues, will be the member of the LDDK board and general director.

LDDK is a representative of national level employers and a socio-economic negotiation partner of the Cabinet of Ministers. The mission of LDDK is to create a supportive business environment in Latvia, promoting the competitiveness of entrepreneurs and representing employers within the framework of social dialogue at the national, European Union and international levels.

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