The Mental Health Region of Murcia participates in the Eurovida mental health program

by time news

2024-07-29 07:13:27

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[ID] => 127705
[post_author] => 2
[post_date] => 2024-07-29 09:13:27
[post_date_gmt] => 2024-07-29 07:13:27
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Them Murcia Region Mental Health Federation By 2024, it has received funding for four specialists to support the recovery and labor intensive installation of the system. EUROVIDA Mental Health. These professionals work in health areas I, II, VI and VII, and perform accompanying actions for people with mental health problems and / or addictions, who are in the recovery process and are connected to laboriously embedded itineraries.

EUROVIDA is 95% co-financed by the European Social Funding Plus (ESF+) and management by Murcian Health Service. In addition, it is part of the ESF + Operational Program for the Region of Murcia 2021-2027, priority 6 “Innovative social actions”.

The EUROVIDA mental health program represents a comprehensive care model that promotes personal practice and inclusive life activities, focusing on the practices of labor insertion, social and close processes, leisure management, accompaniment and home support, intended to avoid discrimination and institutionalization of people who have mental health problems and / or addictions, and to promote, in the therapeutic process, their independence and inclusive life.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_single_image image=”127707″ img_size=”full” onclick=”link_image” css=””][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text css=””]This program is defined in the ESF + Region of Murcia Program 2021-2027as an Operation of Regional Strategic Priority, for providing a significant contribution to achieving its objectives and is one of the most representative operations of the same, which has a total investment, in the current programming period, of 9,473,684 €.

The key element K (OE K), which this program works on, is improving equality and the benefit of access to some “quality, sustainability and affordability of services, with services that promote access to housing and human care, including health; update social security systems, also promote access to social security, with special attention to young people and disadvantaged groups; increase access, including for people with disabilities, effectiveness and modernization of health systems and long-term care services. “

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[post_title] => The Mental Health Region of Murcia participates in the Eurovida mental health program of the Murcian Health Service
[post_excerpt] The EUROVIDA program is a comprehensive treatment model that promotes personal autonomy and mobility activities for people with mental health problems and/or addictions.
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[post_modified] => 2024-07-29 09:13:27
[post_modified_gmt] => 2024-07-29 07:13:27
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The Mental Health Region of Murcia participates in the Eurovida mental health program of the Murcia Health Service

The EUROVIDA program is a comprehensive treatment model that promotes self-directed and self-directed activities for people with mental health problems and/or addictions.

Them Murcia Region Mental Health Federation By 2024, it has received funding for four specialists to support the recovery and labor intensive installation of the system. EUROVIDA Mental Health. These professionals work in health areas I, II, VI and VII, and perform accompanying actions for people with mental health problems and / or addictions, who are in the recovery process and are connected to laboriously embedded itineraries.

EUROVIDA is 95% co-financed by the European Social Funding Plus (ESF+) and management by Murcian Health Service. In addition, it is part of the ESF + Operational Program for the Region of Murcia 2021-2027, priority 6 “Innovative social actions”.

The EUROVIDA mental health program represents a comprehensive care model that promotes personal practice and inclusive life activities, focusing on the practices of labor insertion, social and close processes, leisure management, accompaniment and home support, intended to avoid discrimination and institutionalization of people who have mental health problems and / or addictions, and to promote, in the therapeutic process, their independence and inclusive life.

This program is defined in the ESF + Region of Murcia Program 2021-2027as an Operation of Regional Strategic Priority, for providing a significant contribution to achieving its objectives and is one of the most representative operations of the same, which has a total investment, in the current programming period, of 9,473,684 €.

The key element K (OE K), which this program works on, is improving equality and the benefit of access to somequality, sustainability and affordability of services, with services that promote access to housing and human care, including health; update social security systems, also promote access to social security, with special attention to young people and disadvantaged groups; improve access, including for people with disabilities, the effectiveness and responsiveness of health care systems and long-term care services.

#Mental #Health #Region #Murcia #participates #Eurovida #mental #health #program

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