The message given by the Emir of Qatar wearing Bisht to Messi – Chandrika Daily

by time news

M. Tamimuddin

As a language that is developing day by day in economic, cultural, technical, academic and employment fields, the job prospects and study of Arabic language is very important in the world. While many languages ​​in the world are becoming outdated and subject to changes, the Arabic language, which has a tradition of centuries, continues to develop while keeping the uniqueness of the original language and incorporating modern changes. Arabic language spread globally because it is the language of the Holy Quran. Arabic is the only language that can contribute new words and expressions to all the innovations and changes in the field of information technology. It is the official language of 22 countries in the world and the language used by 50 crore people. In Kerala alone, 50 lakh people are literate in Arabic.

There is a centuries-old historical relationship between Kerala and the Arabic language. In the countries where Arabic is not the national language, that language and culture had the most influence and gained popularity in Kerala. Therefore, the Malayalis have endless opportunities and possibilities in the field of Arabic language and literature and in the field of work. It has been 110 years since the official introduction of Arabic language in schools in Kerala. As a result of the educational interventions of Wakkam Abdul Qader Maulavi in ​​the schools of Travancore in 1912, Shri Moolam Tirunal Maharaja made a system and system for the study of Arabic language. In the early days Arabic teachers were appointed as Quran teachers. In 1967, when CH Muhammad Koya was the Minister of Education, Quran teachers were included in the category of language teachers.

Kerala today has facilities and systems to acquire Arabic language education from pre-primary to university level. About 12,000 Arabic teachers are serving in the primary, secondary and higher secondary sections of public education regardless of caste and religion. More than 18 lakh students are studying in these departments. Thousands of students are studying and doing research in the field of higher education as well. Malayalees have made significant contributions to Arabic language and Arabic literature to Malayalam in the fields of language and literature translation. Tuhfatul Mujahideen by Malayalam Arabic linguist Sheikh Zainuddin Makhdoom, written before the birth of Malayalam language, translated into many languages ​​and widely accepted in foreign countries, is an authoritative reference book in various countries.

The works of many scholars such as Sheikh Abdussamad Alkhatib, a Malayali scholar who was granted Saudi citizenship, Dr. Muhiuddin Aluwai, who was a teacher in various universities in Egypt and the editor of several Arabic newspaper publications, and Azhari Thangal are still textbooks in universities in various foreign countries. The writings of prominent Malayalam writers like Mahatma Gandhi, Maulana Abdul Kalam Azad, Kumaranashan, Thakazhi Sivasankarapilla, Perumbadavam Sreedharan, Shashi Tharoor, Kamalasuriah and KKN Kurup have been translated into Arabic. Most of the books of famous writers like Dr. Twaha Hussain Nobel Laureate Najib Mahfool, Khalil Gibran, Albiruni, Imam Razi, Ibnu Seena, Ibn Khaldun etc. have been translated into Malayalam and are being researched in the universities of Kerala. Translations of modern Arabic literature writers such as Shihab Ganam, Maryam Ashinazi etc. have enriched the Malayalam language. Based on their writings, the recent seminars held under various universities in Kerala have provided more opportunities for Malayali to the Arab literary world.

In the field of Arab poetry, the writings of Malayalees have been done at the speed of Arab countries. Many poets like Veliyankode Umarkhasi, Abulaila, NK Ahmad Maulavi have created wonders in Arabic poetry. From Palestine issue, Rohingya refugee influx, hartal, political assassinations in Kerala, demonetisation, blue whale game to GST, many poems are written by Malayalam Arabic teachers and sung in art festivals and competitions. It is commendable that many non-Muslims are entering the teaching profession in Kerala, where there are many opportunities to learn Arabic from the primary level to the research field. In all universities in Kerala, in more than twenty universities outside Kerala and in foreign countries with stipends, Malayalees have the opportunity to study in Arabic. There are many job opportunities for those who master the Arabic language in many fields such as news media, embassies, IT sector, university libraries and various agencies of the United Nations. Opportunities are open for linguists in educational institutions, newspapers, traveling, tourism, petroleum sectors and hospitals in the Gulf countries.

There is no doubt that learning Arabic will be useful for Malayalis in all areas of Kerala as it is an integral language in every aspect of Malayali’s life. By providing more opportunities for the Arabic language, which can play a significant role in the literary sector and economic development of Kerala, it is possible to warm the relations with the Arab countries and strengthen their participation in the all-round development of Kerala. What is needed now is for the study of Arabic language and literature to be widespread, to attract foreigners to work in the fields of tourism, industry and medicine, to create employment opportunities for Malayalis at home and abroad in this field, to start more study and training centers in Kerala with modern systems accessible to all, and to nurture the existing learning systems.

Kerala has very limited reference facility in terms of Arabic language. In the modern world, Arabic language knowledge and skills are becoming essential in commercial and industrial fields. Therefore, learning Arabic has become a way of life regardless of caste, religion and class. A variety of career opportunities are open to those with Arabic and English language skills in the Western world. Three times the revenue income of the state comes to Kerala from expatriates in Arab countries alone. Arabic language learning is essential to increase the employment scene in the diaspora, which is useful for the economic growth of the state. Establishment of university for Arabic language in Kerala is essential for better employment opportunities abroad and foreign investments. Linguists are still hoping for urgent decisions at the government level to make the Arabic University a reality as recommended by the Paloli Committee appointed during the LDF government based on the Sachar Committee report, approved by the Higher Education Council, approved by the Legislative Assembly and promised in the LDF manifesto.
(The writer is the State General Secretary of Kerala Arabic Munshis Association)

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