The message of the 12 points is still valid today

by time news

The Szentesi József Tóth Theater and Vigadó hosted the National Evening of the Csongrád-Csanád county municipality. At the event, Deputy Minister Bence Rétvári, Parliamentary State Secretary, shared his festive thoughts.

You shed our blood so that we can decide freely

Our history is an almost continuous struggle for freedom, for the possibility of independent decision. Our national holidays are also about this: August 20, the date of our founding of our independent, sovereign state, March 15 and the revolution and freedom struggle of 1848-49, and October 23, the holiday of the ’56 revolution and freedom struggle. Every single occasion is about how many times we Hungarians have shed our blood so that we ourselves can decide freely about our own affairs

– emphasized Bence Rétvári.

Photo: János Török

The deputy minister added that this is not bad luck that afflicts us: it is natural in the center of Europe, in such an environment there are always empires that want to expand their influence. The fact that we have been resisting this for the 11th century is a success story, the deputy minister emphasized.

Thoughts still valid today

Bence Rétvári emphasized that history is there so that we can learn from it.

Technology changes, but human nature does not, neither that of individuals nor that of communities. Let’s recall the 12 points: what does the Hungarian nation want? Let there be peace, freedom and harmony. Do we want anything else in March 2023? No, we wish the same. Point 10 is about not taking Hungarian soldiers abroad. Now, 175 years later, we want the same

– emphasized the deputy minister.

Photo: János Török

He added that we can once again feel that they want to take away our sovereignty.

We must represent the interests of the Hungarian people and say with a cool head, but with a Hungarian heart: let there be peace, freedom and harmony

– stated Bence Rétvári.

The general meeting was awarded

In the evening To the General Assembly of Csongrád-Csanád County awards were also presented, the awards were presented by Deputy Minister Bence Rétvári and Assembly President László Gémes.

This year, the Csongrád-Csanád Vármegyért Award goes to Dr. László Frank, managing director of the Dél-Alföld Bio-Innovációs Centrum Nonprofit Kft.; Documentary film director László Balogh and Edit Csótiné Ördög, head of the Homokhát Social Center, took over.

The Entrepreneur of the Year in the County of Csongrád-Csanád this year was Ferenc Varga, owner-manager of Varga Pékség in Mórahalm.

The Csongrád-Csanád County Award for Sport and Youth was awarded to two people, national team footballer Ádám Martin – he will receive the award later due to his busy schedule – and junior football coach László Kazi.

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