The message on April 25 full of blunders from the director of the Marche school office: “Date chosen to celebrate the end of the war”

by time news

The director of the Marche regional school office and his idiosyncrasy with the history of the twentieth century. Six months later, from the Day of the Armed Forces, on the eve of the Liberation Day, Ugo Filisetti it falls into it again. In the usual message addressed to all students of the schools from the Marche region, published yesterday, wanted to retouch the meaning of history and events again, arousing heated reactions. A text in which, among other things, two very important and dirimental terms do not appear: fascism e partisans. Some passages actually leave you speechless, one in particular, in which Filisetti speaks of respective reasons e dreams reciprocal: “That immense conflict saw an Italy split and tormented, an Italy that faced each other for their respective reasons, for the respective dreams of which it was charged: a clash marked by the iron and blood that divided, shattered” . The administrator forgets to say a few things to the students, as is evident: the “dreams” he talks about, on the side of fascism he never mentions, resulted in an undemocratic regime whose culture of violence led to the promulgation of the racial laws of 1938. A letter that raised protests from the political and trade union world and pushed the Ministry of Education to ask the Marche Regional School Office for clarification.

Moreover, Filisetti defines April 25 as a date “chosen to celebrate the end of the Second World War in Italy”. A sensational mistake, in the best of cases: April 25, 1945 was the day on which the Cln proclaimed the insurrection in all the areas occupied by the Nazis and the republican fascists under the motto of “Surrender or perish” pronounced by Sandro Pertini. And in fact, the anniversary actually celebrates the liberation of Italy from the Nazi occupation and the fascist regime.

Indeed, it increases the dose and, as is typical of a certain nostalgic political front, tries to calm down by giving a blow to the circle and one to the barrel: “But after that great catastrophe – writes the director of the Marche Regional School Office – there is now the overcoming of desperate antithesis, of the demonizations reciprocal, recognition for everyone in their history, to rebuild this Italy day by day, to project into the world a united, strong, free Italy, with its own destiny, which can face world competition with work ”.

And finally, between long sentences, sometimes twisted and with various punctuation errors, he addresses the students: “This is the strong mission entrusted to you, new generations: not the faction, not the sect, not grudges, not the hatreds behind which peoples fall apart. And therefore always remain united, even in different ideas, be an instrument of friendship to change society and be courageous as only youth (…) can be ”. The paradox is that in the end Filisetti mentions the Constitution with his “ideal, lucid projects, inspired by a leap sense of justice” without ever saying that it was written by the partisan forces who had made the Resistance.

The reactions to the lopsided message from the director of the school office immediately arrived. The deputy Nicola Fratoianni (Sinistra Italiana), vice-president of the Culture Commission asks for the intervention of Minister Bianchi and the removal by Filisetti. “Here we go again, the director of the USSR, already known for his ‘nostalgia’, continues with the deliberately ambiguous official letters. I will present a new parliamentary question addressed to the government, ”he says. The trade unions also take the field: “Director Filisetti is again banal and cloying in his revisionist enthusiasm. The minister should intervene immediately ”attacks the secretary of the CGIL Marche Daniela Barbaresi. Uil also criticizes: the regional secretary Claudia Mazzucchelli speaks of a “letter misleading e divisive”.

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