The metropolis offers 10 million euros to buy the huge Thomson site

by time news

It is a huge wasteland of 13.5 hectares located in the Croix-Blanche district, along Boulevard Birgé, east of Angers. The Thomson factory (Technicolor group), which employed 340 employees for the production of televisions then decoders, closed its doors in October 2012. Ten years later, the industrial site is still unoccupied and even displays a pitiful state. But the file seems to be clearing up. Monday evening, the community council of Angers Loire Métropole voted an envelope of 10 million euros for the purchase of the premises from the judicial liquidator. In addition to the land and green spaces, the lot includes various buildings (7,000 m2) including workshops and offices.

If the offer is accepted, the metropolis also undertakes to pay for the depollution of the site as well as the costs of guarding and insurance. Additional expenses that could increase the bill for the community to around 13 million euros.

A first offer at 6.5 million euros

Interested in its “requalification”, the metropolis of Angers had tried in 2013 to buy the Thomson site at the price of 6.5 million euros, before suddenly retracting given the estimated costs of depollution. A legal dispute, still in progress, had then started with the liquidator of Thomson.

Eventually, many homes and offices could be built on the site of the wasteland.

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