The Minister of Living Environment visits various construction sites

by time news

2023-11-15 13:45:30

A big riot of energy on this day of Tuesday, November 14, 2023 for the Minister of Living Environment and Transport. Mr. José TONATO spent the day in the field to inquire about the progress of the numerous PAG projects which fall under his ministerial department.

Thus, accompanied by executives from his ministry involved in the execution of the various projects, he went in turn to Calavi on the wholesale market, to the administrative city and to the social housing site of Ouèdo. The delegation, after the Calavi stage, headed for Cotonou. In the metropolis, the shopping arcade of the General Mathieu Kérékou Stadium, the Ministerial City, the Defense City, the vice-presidency headquarters under construction, the Maritime Affairs Center, the INF, the MND and the Ganhi market have received the inspection visit from the delegation led by Minister TONATO.

This exit from the Minister of Living Environment reveals a feeling of optimism. In fact, overall, all the projects are progressing well. Everywhere, the physical execution rate is good. An observation which could be explained by the fact that regular monitoring made it possible to identify and resolve the difficulties encountered. Therefore, on all these sites, work is continuing normally.

Only one false note, the construction site of the National Institute for Women. Here, the work is very late. This angered Minister TONATO who ordered the termination of the contract with the company.

Overall, this outing allowed the minister to take the pulse of the projects and ensure that deadlines will be respected and above all that the TALON Government will not leave any white elephant. It is also the assurance that the PAG will effectively bring about the transformation of Benin. The Minister will continue his inspection by visiting the national assembly, Miv and Porto-Novo housing sites this Wednesday.

QA November 15, 2023

#Minister #Living #Environment #visits #construction #sites

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