The Minister of the Economy of the Land of Hesse, Tarek Al-Wazir, inaugurates the new SMA test center

by time news


Tarek Al-Wazir, Minister of Economy of the Land of Hesse, today inaugurated the new SMA EMC test center together with the Chairman of the SMA Board of Directors, Jürgen Reinert. The electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) test hall will enable comprehensive tests to be carried out for inverters and high electrical power systems (up to five megawatts). SMA has invested around six million euros in the construction of this state-of-the-art test center and thus clearly affirms its attachment to Germany as a production site.

“Photovoltaics is fast becoming one of the main pillars of energy supply on a global scale. In this context, photovoltaic inverters are subject to ever more stringent requirements in terms of safety and integration capacity ”, explains Jürgen Reinert, Chairman of the Management Board of SMA. “In our new test center, which is probably the only one in the world, we can also quickly and reliably check the electromagnetic compatibility of very large systems. This will ensure that our future solutions for photovoltaic power plants will also meet the security requirements of international markets. As a player in the energy transition, we are thus investing in the future in order to allow SMA to take full advantage of the worldwide photovoltaic market, which is experiencing constant expansion.

“SMA proves it: the energy transition is a promising business model”
“SMA has been for 40 years a driver of technological innovation in the service of the energy transition”, indicated the Minister of the Economy of the Land of Hesse, Tarek Al-Wazir (The Greens) during his visit to the new center of tests for large photovoltaic inverters and inverter-chargers from SMA in Cassel. According to him, the new CEM hall underlines the high standards of quality and performance that the company places on itself and its products. “SMA proves it: the energy transition is not only an ecological necessity, it is also a promising business model. “

EMC testing for inverters and other applications
SMA’s state-of-the-art EMC test hall comprises approximately 740 square meters of laboratory space. It will be possible to test devices with a total weight of up to 30 tonnes and a heat dissipation of 200 kW. Spurious emissions and interference resistance can be measured up to a distance of ten meters. The test hall will be used, among other things, to carry out tests on future generations of the central inverter Sunny Central UP, which has just been launched on the market. In addition, it is planned to make the test hall available to companies specializing, for example, in the fields of electromobility, wind energy or railway applications for carrying out measurements.

Electromagnetic compatibility testing ensures that electronic components mounted in inverters and other devices do not cause interference that could affect other applications. They are also used to ensure that external electromagnetic waves do not exert any disturbing influence on the devices.

About SMA
As a leading specialist in the world of systems engineering for photovoltaics and storage, the SMA group is now setting the conditions for the decentralized and renewable energy supply of tomorrow. SMA’s portfolio includes a wide range of efficient photovoltaic inverters and inverter-chargers, total system solutions for photovoltaic installations and storage systems of all power classes, intelligent energy management systems as well as complete solutions for hybrid photovoltaic / diesel applications. Digital energy services as well as comprehensive services up to the support of technical management and maintenance services for photovoltaic power plants complete the range of services. SMA inverters with a total capacity of over 100 gigawatts are installed in more than 190 countries around the world. SMA’s award-winning technology is protected by more than 1,600 patents and utility models. Since 2008, the parent company, SMA Solar Technology AG, has been listed on the Prime Standard of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (S92) and registered with TecDAX.

SMA Solar Technology AG
Sonnenallee 1
34266 Niestetal

Vice President of Institutional Communication:
Anja Jasper
Phone. +49 561 9522-2805
[email protected]

Press contact:
Susanne Henkel
Press manager
Phone. +49 561 9522-1124
[email protected]

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