“The Ministry of Education crosses the line that separates democracy from the totalitarian regime”

by time news

The deputy spokeswoman for the VOX Cortes Valencianas Parliamentary Group Llanos Massó, has questioned the Minister of Education for the indoctrination carried out by the left in the educational centers of the Valencian Community. She has reproached him for the fact that a few months ago VOX asked him in writing about this issue and the minister’s response “was an insult”. “In addition to being an activist and separatist, she is also a councilor and she should behave as such,” Massó pointed out.

Llanos Massó has stated that the Ministry of education “operates on the margins of democratic values ​​and even crosses the line that separates democracy from the totalitarian regime”. And he has added that the entire educational model of the left violates the Constitution, violating fundamental rights at every step.

In this sense, the deputy spokesperson has detailed the articles of the Constitution that are skipped “to shape the minds of our children and eradicate any hint of freedom of thought.” They dedicate themselves to supporting the coup plotters who tried to break the constitutional order defended by article 2 and display maps of the non-existent Catalan countries in educational centers; they eradicate Spanish from the classrooms and the administration that protects article 3.1 and impose Catalan. She has also said that they legislate a different criminal treatment based on sex, charging the equality of article 14 and introducing gender ideology in each activity of the students.

As for the right to life, they indoctrinate young people by presenting abortion as a contraceptive method in workshops on sexuality in schools. “In abortion, a human being who had the right to live dies, and recently Compromís agreed with us, specifically Mrs. Álvaro when requesting a work permit to mourn the death of an unborn child. If in that case there is a life that dies and hence the mourning, in the case of induced abortion too”, she has reproached.

Finally, Massó has denounced that “the school should not be an instrument of separatism, feminism, or any -ism to assert its thesis, but rather it is a fundamental pillar on which the future and prosperity of our nation.” And he added that at VOX we are clear that ideological indoctrination does not fit in an education in freedom.

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