The Ministry of Health launches the oral and dental health initiative in 6 governorates.. Free examination and treatment

by time news

Today, Sunday, the Ministry of Health and Population launched the “Oral and Dental Health” initiative in 6 governorates, as a first stage, to detect and treat oral and gum diseases “for free”, coinciding with the World Oral and Dental Health Day, which falls on March 20 of each year.

Hossam Abdel Ghaffar, the official spokesman for the Ministry of Health and Population, explained that the initiative was launched in the governorates of Cairo, Giza, Gharbia, Alexandria, Qalyubia, and Menoufia as a first stage, noting that the initiative aims to examine and treat oral and gum diseases for all age groups according to the latest treatment protocols and by applying the referral system. .

Abdul Ghaffar added that preliminary examination and detection services are provided in health units or through mobile dental caravans, pointing out that patients are referred to hospitals in case of need for advanced medical interventions.

For his part, Dr. Walid Hassan, head of the Central Dental Department at the Ministry of Health, indicated that a medical team consisting of a doctor, a nurse and a data recorder will be provided in all the initial units of the initiative, to record patient data and health status and link them to an integrated and electronically interconnected database with referral hospitals.

Hassan noted that the patient is given a follow-up card to direct him to the hospital to perform the advanced and required medical interventions free of charge, noting that the initiative includes raising awareness of oral and dental health and individual lifestyle behaviors, as awareness seminars are held in units, hospitals and medical centers of the Ministry of Health on ways to Prevention and treatment of oral diseases in the early stages.

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