The miracle of the basket in South Sudan, the country of extreme poverty will play the Basketball World Cup

by time news

The story of South Sudan It begins on July 9, 2011, the date on which its independence was confirmed, making it the youngest country in the world. But even so, its citizens have not been able to live peacefully, since the region continues to be hit by armed conflicts. Internal division that has found in basketball a common link with which to unite the entire country. A miracle driven by the former NBA player Luol Deng and that last weekend crystallized with the historic classification of his team for the World Cup next summer.

The one who was a great star for the Bulls in the first decade of the 21st century has been the architect of this never-before-seen feat. historical classification, at the first exchange, which will place the country among those chosen for the group draw for the next World Cup. The ‘Bright Stars’, with Deng acting as president of the federation and coach of the teamhave built a dream that seemed unthinkable given the social and economic situation of the country.

According to data from the International Monetary Fund (IMF), South Sudan was the second poorest country in the world in 2022only surpassed in that tragic classification by Burundi, another of the failed states of the area. The civil war that broke out after the independence referendum has plagued the country since 2013. A genocide that has caused four million refugees and that, suddenly, has found a point of union in basketball.

The country was paralyzed last Friday to live the historic victory against Sengal with which the pass to the World Cup of the ‘Bright Stars’ was confirmed. A group chiseled by Deng and supported by a physique difficult to match by any other team. South Sudan is one of the countries in the world with the highest average height. Some of their tribes, like the Dinkas, have a height greater than 182 centimeters on average, so it is not difficult to see guys taller than two meters on a regular basis on the street.

Perhaps the most famous of all is the giant Manute Bol, whose presence in the NBA in the 1990s put the country on the map. The Sudanese giant (2.31 meters) served as an example for many of those fleeing the war to see basketball as an escape route from their problems. One of them, the aforementioned Deng, the son of a persecuted parliamentarian who ended up living in the United Kingdom, where he grew up before making the leap to the NBA. In fact, Deng was capped by Great Britain, although he always thought that he could do something great with his country of origin. Something like what the team has achieved in recent months.

Since hanging up his boots four years ago, Luol has started a crusade to help his compatriots through the basket with his foundation. Seeking to attract young people to sports and away from war. A purpose that becomes almost impossible in a country devastated by internal wars. Even so, Deng-with the help of the NBA– has managed to form a base that looks to the future with hope and has found an incentive to continue on that path in the World Cup rankings.

Name Onot, player of the G-League -NBA development league- was the best player in the match against Senegal, although in the World Cup he will have the help of three NBA players. One is Bol Bol, the son of the legendary Manute, a Magic player, who is perhaps the greatest exponent of Sudanese basketball right now. A 2.18 player who runs the field with ease, who scores from three and who has great defensive intimidation. Next to him will be the pivot Dear Gabriel (2.16), who plays for the Lakers, and PJ Thor (2.06), player for the Hornets, halfway between the NBA and the G-League.

In the World Cup, in which there will be no giants like Argentina, Sudan will be able to show the planet its best side. That of a country submerged in poverty and war that has its pride in this basketball team that will fight with the best to continue making history in the world basket.

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