The MK on the terrorists: “Partisans as against the Nazis”

by time news

MK Ofer Kasif says this evening “Palestinians who shoot IDF soldiers are not terrorists, they are guerrilla fighters. They are like the partisans who fought the Nazis.” The reactions were not long in coming: “Supporters of terrorism” and “The face of the crazy left”

MK Ofer Kasif from the Hadash movement caused a stir when he said this evening (Sunday) in an interview with one of the media outlets that “Palestinians who shoot IDF soldiers are not terrorists, they are guerrilla fighters, they are like the partisans who fought the Nazis.”

The chairman of the ‘Noam’ party, MK Avi Maoz, responded and said: “It is impossible for the members of the Joint List who support terrorism to sit in the Israeli Knesset. It is even more painful to see that Yair Lapid will do everything to sit in the prime minister’s chair, even if it means leaning on my supporters These are terrorism. The people of Israel must understand: it’s either a Jewish state that knows how to defend itself against its enemies, or a state of all its citizens that will have mercy on its enemies.”

MK Itamar Ben Gabir attacked and said: “Here is the face of the crazy left. Terrorists are partisans, Israel is the Nazis, darkness is light and Ofer Kasif is a legitimate candidate for the Knesset. This week we will file a motion for disqualification against the supporters of terrorism and women of the end of hallucination.”

Yosef Haddad, an Israeli Arab working for coexistence responded: “And he is what you are preparing?! Have you lost your mind??? Who sees terrorists as guerrilla fighters and compares the IDF to Nazis?!? Do you want to form a government with him or with his support? He and his friends do not deserve to be elected officials and have no place at all in the Knesset and you still want them to lead the country???”.

After the many reactions and attacks against him on social media, MK Ofer Kasif clarifies on Twitter: “I did not compare soldiers to Nazis, but I claimed that according to international law and even Aliba D’Netanyahu, whoever harms occupation soldiers is not a terrorist but a guerrilla fighter. Similar to partisans who harmed the occupiers of their countries And those who fought under the British mandate and are miraculously raised by the state. If the resemblance to occupation and oppressive armies bothers you – just get out of the territories immediately!” so as a sword.

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