“The models point to tens of thousands verified a day; restrictions will not help”

by time news

Elkin: “The models indicate tens of thousands of infected people a day”

(Photo: Gil Yohanan, Shmulik Dudpur)

“The models indicate tens of thousands of infections a day – but the restrictions will hardly affect the coefficient of infection”: This is what the Minister of Construction and Housing Zeev Elkin (New Hope) said this morning (Thursday) in an interview with Ynet.

The Minister warned that according to forecasts – and in accordance with what is happening around the world, the health care system is also being watched here by a verified mass. “The prime minister has been talking about this for a few weeks now,” Elkin said. “At first everyone laughed at him and thought he was hysterical, but slowly people are dropping the token that he was telling the truth and I hope we do not reach the collapse of the health care system. Overall the percentage of patients who are in a difficult situation is much lower in the micron,

Are you okay with the isolation release policy, according to which a single PCR test can shorten isolation? Is not this a bit of a mass infection policy?

“No, not at all, on the contrary. After all, the State of Israel is currently in a much better position than all the Western countries are in thanks to the steps we have taken – which were very unpopular. Do we do that? ‘. Today we see that we have gained a very valuable time of weeks, maybe even a month, in our favor vis-à-vis the other countries.

“Now the question is what will be done with this time. According to everything the experts have presented in the Corona Cabinet, the main contribution to stopping the wave – and especially saving our lives – is a vaccine. We have made up the gap for the citizens so that everyone can defend themselves. “Or vaccinate the children and still not do it – can within the corridor of time protect itself from the wave that comes. It will be a very strong wave that will wash over us, there is nothing to do.”

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Compound for speed tests of a meterCompound for speed tests of a meter

“The State of Israel is in good shape thanks to the steps we have taken.” Corona examination, archive

(Photo: Moti Kimhi)

But you probably did not succeed – there was no attack on the vaccine center.
“We do not know how to force the public to get vaccinated, we know how to bring him tools. A person who wants to jump under the train – you do not know how to stop him, but you know how to build a walkway so he does not have to get off the train, and that is exactly what we as a government have to do. We took care of the vaccines and that the State of Israel would have extra time. Did everyone take advantage of the window and leave the film in which he lived?

“Sometimes there is a tendency in the country that until that happens, people are not ready to look ahead. I very much hope that more and more people will be vaccinated. There is still time to do it and I call on each and every one – protect yourself and your children. Personally and at the national level. “

The former head of public health services at the former Ministry of Health, Prof. Sigal Sadecki, wrote this morning in Yedioth Ahronoth that “the decisions made in recent days are political and social – not epidemiological.” “It’s not true,” Elkin commented, “I sat in the Corona cabinet and listened to the health ministry experts and outside experts who were there, and they all said the same thing: everything is effective, except to make a total closure.”

The Minister went on to emphasize the importance of vaccines, noting that in order to encourage immunization the government has expanded the green label outline and also approved the softened education outline. “Now, the ball is in the hands of each of the citizens,” he said, “does he want to protect himself and his children or does he act in the ‘near’ method and say ‘it will not reach me’. He is wrong – it will come.”

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Zeev Elkin Studio InterviewZeev Elkin Studio Interview

“Now, the ball is in the hands of each of the citizens.” Elkin

(Photo: Gil Yohanan)

Could it be that you think people should stick to the micron because it is not lethal, and then herd immunity will be created?
“No no, it’s a mistake. In the end, the person who is infected and is really vaccinated, is relatively protected so he has much less to worry about. But the person who is infected and is not vaccinated, even from Omicron he can become ill in a difficult situation. “They died and there are also long-term effects after the infection – by the way, they are very unsympathetic. We unequivocally do not want to reach mass infection.”

So why do you not impose restrictions? Tomorrow New Year’s Eve, everything is open and there is not even a night stop.
“Really mass incidents – such as Baba Sally’s revelry – the police also arrested for an epidemiological reason. “

This morning, too, Elkin referred toGantz-Abu Mazen meeting, Which took place on Tuesday at the home of the Defense Minister in Rosh HaAyin. This morning, too, he attacked Ganz, and was not persuaded by explanations that the meeting was over “Designed to prevent a third intifada“” Come on, “Elkin said,” if Abu Mazen is not hosted in Ganz’s spacious living room, will there be a third intifada here? Do you believe that? “Obviously no one believes that.”

I believe in personal relationships between leaders, between people who need to maintain human lives.
“We have always had regular contacts with senior Palestinian Authority officials, because their interest in further contacts and security cooperation is no less than ours. They depend on us at every step. We all understand that if it were not for Israeli security activities, Abu Mazen would not be in power for a long time.

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Mahmoud AbbasMahmoud Abbas

“Hamas has long since thrown him out of Judea and Samaria.” Abbas

(Photo: AP)

“Look at what happened to him in the Gaza Strip. Hamas has long since thrown him out of Judea and Samaria, and it is only thanks to this security cooperation that they are able to lower Hamas’ head, so Abbas is not doing us any favors in security cooperation. He takes care of himself – even his well-being physically, directly, both he and his people.

“By the way, not only going back to the years of the conflict, a young Palestinian who takes to the streets in Ramallah today and asks himself, ‘How do I get the highest salary in the Palestinian Authority?’, He has two options: “Or to get a minister’s salary if he travels to Jerusalem and murders an Israeli. Therefore, inviting a person home who insists on paying salaries to Israeli murderers to host such a person at your home is a mistake in my eyes.”


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