The molecules in a solid are very close together and more closely packed

by time news

Particles in solid matter are very close together and more compact, this is a school question that can be answered with true or false to prove the validity of the statement or not, while teaching fixed and concrete theories, and determining the states of matter and its properties. Characteristics and you will be presented with the correct answer to this question explaining the main points related to it.

What is the state of matter

There are four states of matter, which are the liquid state, the solid state, and the gaseous state, and each of these materials has many characteristics that distinguish it from other states, but recently other states of matter such as plasmat have been discovered, and it is worth noting that matter in general is Everything has mass or weight and occupies space, and states of matter are the physical states in which all matter exists, which is divided into 3 states

  • Liquid state Matter in the liquid state consists of many particles, and is considered an unstable state of matter, occupying a large area.
  • The solid state is also called the solid state, and the materials in it have a specific shape and weight, and one of its characteristics is the presence of small voids between its particles, which are almost non-existent.
  • Gaseous state is the state in which the particles of matter are moving rapidly in different directions.

solid state properties

A solid body has a combination of the following properties

  • The volume of a solid is fixed as a result of the arrangement of its constituent particles, which are in compact form next to each other.
  • The movement of matter is in the form of oscillations and leads to weak vibrations, and it cannot exceed the space of the void in which it is located.
  • On the contrary, the molecules of liquid and gaseous substances are arranged in an orderly manner.
  • These are crystalline substances with a definite and constant size and shape.
  • It can change its size under effects such as pressure and heat to a very great extent, and when the effect wears off, it will return to its size again.
  • The solid has a fixed melting point, and when exposed to it, the state of matter changes.
  • They move in vibratory motions on either side of their resting position as a result of the interfacial forces present in the solids.

The molecules in a solid are very close together and more closely packed

Matter particles gather together and form strong bonds, especially in the solid state when they have a fixed shape and size, and their size is not affected by any other influences such as pressure, unlike the liquid state that can change and be affected, but in order to know the correct answer to a school question, the particles in A solid close together. True or False, imagine the answer as follows

Thus, we have explained to you the correct answer to the question that the particles in a solid are very close together, more compact, correct or incorrect, and we have looked at the concept of states of matter, and what is liquid, solid and gas. It states, as we mentioned, about the properties of matter in the solid state.

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