“The Monster” at the BOD Cultural Center

by time news

“Disconcerting”… “Masterful”… “Disturbing”… “Wonderful”… are some of the qualifiers that public and critics have expressed to describe the performance and production of “La Monstrua”, a one-man show by the Uruguayan playwright Ariel Mastandrea, directed by by Rossana Hernández and the general and artistic production by Carolina Rincón Cardozo, at the head of Productora de Sueños, was presented on January 19, 20, 21 and 22, with four sold-out performances in the concert hall of the BOD Cultural Center.

“Due to the total success, the leading actress Gledys Ibarra will perform an additional performance of the play on Friday, January 27, at 7:00 pm, on the same stage as the premiere,” says Rincón Cardozo, responsible for the production.

“We are extremely happy with the response from the public and the great reception that Cuatro has had. We hope that those who could not see it this weekend can enjoy it in this special function. We are sure that they will be moved by this acid comedy, full of art, joy and reflection”, said Yubirí Arraiz, executive director of the BOD Cultural Center.

With a lot of black humour, “La Monstrua” has previously captivated viewers from Argentina, Uruguay, Mexico, Colombia and Spain, among other countries where the public has confronted, from humor, irreverent and relevant aspects of the human condition, through a text of enormous dramatic height structured in a single character that serves as a platform to ask ourselves who dares to be today the monster.

“It was a beautiful coincidence that Gledys wanted to come to the country while I was cooking this project, just waiting for an actress of her stature, capable of dressing in the skin of this complex character. And she has achieved it, ”says Rincón, who thanks in turn“the enormous support of the press, sponsors and the team of professionals and technicians that shaped this production”.

And it is that this careful assembly would not have been possible without the effort of Anthony Castillo, in the realization of Scenography; David Morales, in the making of Beard and makeup; Samira Redondo, in the costume design; José Jiménez, in the lighting design; Gisela Rojas, in the assistance of Production and Direction; Elvis Chavente, in the set design and co-direction; Rossanna Hernández, in the direction, Carolina Rojas Cardozo, in the concept, general and artistic production, and the leading performance of the first actress Gledys Ibarra, as well as the entire technical team of the BOD Cultural Center.

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