The Moroccan mafia shakes the Netherlands

by time news – Nothing is going well in the peaceful kingdom of canals, Gazelle bicycles and coffee shops. Prime Minister Mark Rutte and Crown Princess Amalia live under the threat of mafia-like execution from the Mocro Maffia, or Moroccan mafia. The major Benelux ports of Rotterdam and Antwerp in Belgium have always attracted organized crime. But the arrival of Moroccans during the last century, from the 1980s, very quickly transformed the codes ofunderground. An officer of the Belgian judicial police, with a lot of bottle, affirmed from the end of the 1990s to the author of this article, to have never witnessed so much violence against prostitutes, before the arrival of Moroccans: beheadings, dismemberment, extreme violence, increased by any type of desecration. It was not about “old-fashioned” summary executions, but about a particularly psychotic signature in the criminal act.

This escalation in terror is concomitant with the rise of two drug traffickers: Ridouan Taghi and Saïd Razzouki, who have transformed the Netherlands into a Colombia of the North. Between them, they are attributed, even in detention, the importation of one ton of cocaine per month into Europe from Colombia, via Spain and Antwerp. Ridouan Taghi was arrested in Dubai on December 7, 2020. His right-hand man, Razzouki, was arrested three months later in Colombia, on February 7, 2021, as part of a tripartite operation between the American DEA, the FBI and the Dutch police.

These two men, between them, are responsible for dozens of executions in the Netherlands, often in broad daylight. Among their victims are two journalists, including Peter R. de Vries, shot dead by the Moroccan mafia on July 6, 2021 at the exit of the RTL studio on rue Langue Leidsewarsstraat. In 2019, he had established a confidential relationship, typical between investigative journalist and source, with the repentant Nabil Bakkali, deep throat of the Marengo case, named after the river trial, in which the 17 main defendants of the trial were tried. of the Mocro Maffia, including Ridouan Taghi, Saïd Razzouki and two of the latter’s brothers. Bakkali’s lawyer, Derk Wierson, was also murdered along with several members of his family. Another repentant was shot dead in January 2021 in Spain, in the Province of Cadiz, in Chiclana de la Frontera. Martin Blok, for his part, was assassinated on December 8, 2016. A former member of the underworld, Blok had been blogging for several years, making reference, specializing in what he knew best, organized crime. He poured exclusive information on the Moroccan mafia into it.

Razzouki’s arrest in Colombia is no accident. The Colombian and Mexican cartels have long established privileged relations with Morocco. Their ease of access to the Spanish coasts, such as that of Algeciras, but also their privileged relationship with the Galician mafia on the Atlantic coast, the corruption of the political class, have made them strategic allies for at least two decades to flood the cocaine market. The other “contribution” of the Moroccan mafia to the cartels of Central America consists of its bestial methods, in the imposition of new forms of terrible violence. The leap from organized crime to that of the methods of terrorism, noticed from this millennium in Mexico and Colombia, is partly due to this rapprochement. As part of this association, the Moroccan mafia has gone from reselling Hashish, its customary drug of consumption and resale, the drug that makes people stupid and schizophrenic, to cocaine. The enrichment for the clan of Ridouan Taghi has been exponential. The heritage of foreclosed houses in the Netherlands, Marbella (Spain) and Dubai is only the tip of the iceberg.

Razzouki was arrested in the town of Sabaneta, in the province of Medellin, where the infamous Pablo Escobar was born. He lived in a freehold building. Criminal as he is, Razzouki is a pious man. He was found through a mesh of mosques in the city and the tail of a man who, every day, made the trip to this apartment with halal food. The links between organized crime and Islamist terrorism are known, although insufficiently explored. Islamist terrorism is most of the time the pretext to give legitimacy to the venality of organized crime. But it also works in the other direction: the legitimization of the crime in the payment of the obol of terrorism. Insofar as the Netherlands and Belgium are strongholds for the Mocro Mafia and terrorism, the Gordian knot remains to be cut.

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