the Mossad hole and that precedent from 50 years ago – Libero Quotidiano

by time news

2023-10-07 19:05:00

How did i Israeli secret services not to foresee and avoid the raid of Gaza? This is the question that experts have been asking themselves since, this morning, more than 5 thousand rockets and incursions by Palestinian militiamen threw Tel Aviv into panic. To claim responsibility for the attack, which he has so far provoked more than 250 dead and over 1400 injured, was the leader of Hamas, Mohammad Deif. Israel then responded with a raid on Gaza. Benjamin Netanyahu announced: “We are at war.” Meanwhile, an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council is scheduled for tomorrow where, behind closed doors, the situation in the Middle East will be discussed.

What happened this morning, however, has effectively certified the failure of the Mossad Israeli, bringing the mind back to 50 years ago, when the war broke out Yom Kippur in 1973. Today, as then, it seems that Israel was taken by surprise. The plan, in fact, would have been extensively prepared with long reconnaissances. And, given the high number of infiltrators in Israeli territory, it is practically certain that the breach was significant.

Second Federico Rampiniwho talked about it on Corriere della Serait is possible that what put the Israelis at a disadvantage was an element already recognized before the 1973 crisis: “A excessive sense of superioritywhich instills security and can lead to lowering one’s guard against dangers”. But not only that. “Another explanation – Rampini always recognized – can be linked to laceration depth of Israeli society”. Furthermore, to better understand what is behind this attack, attention should be shifted to the framework of the geopolitical revolution of the Middle East: “Until yesterday – explained the expert – a historic reconciliation was considered imminent between Saudi Arabia and Israel; the current war may be an attempt by Hamas (and its protector, Iran) to sabotage that thaw.”

Returning to the Yom Kippur war, at the beginning that conflict saw the Israelis in difficulty compared to the Arabs, led by Egypt and Syria, who wanted to redeem themselves after the humiliation of the so-called blitzkrieg of 1967, which instead was a real triumph for Tel Aviv. In the end, however, hostilities were resolved with peace between Egypt and Israel, thanks above all to the mediation of the then US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger.

On the alleged sense of superiority of the Israelis, Rampini explained that it could be caused by the fact that “Israel today is still more powerful fifty years old and at the same time much less isolated. The Arab world is isolating Palestine, if anything, or at least those forces based in Palestinian areas that rely on Iran (Hamas, Hezbollah). Thanks to the Abraham Accords, favored by American diplomacy, Israel has established diplomatic relations with the Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Morocco, Sudan”. Then, the other factor that could have weakened the Israeli Mossad – underlined the editorialist of Corsera – “and the deep division of the country. Netanyahu’s constitutional reform projects, which according to the opposition threaten institutional balance and democracy itself, have accentuated the protests and lacerations. The disturbance reaches the armed forces and the intelligence services.”

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