The most controversial doctors in Mexico

by time news

2023-11-25 02:00:45

Conventionally, health professionals enjoy respect and admiration. At the same time, there are some cases that break the rule because they are about the most controversial doctors in Mexico. It is all due to their work because it divides opinions, and they never remain silent, which has earned them fans but also many detractors.

The main work carried out by doctors It is the care of patients within an office. The majority carry out this activity but there are also others who have chosen another way of life. There are even those who have become public figures, which generates admiration and hatred in equal measure.

Who are the most controversial doctors in Mexico?

The following list with the most controversial doctors in Mexico It was prepared by Saludiario and is not intended to foment divisions or hatred. It’s just doctors breaking the mold and in the end that is both positive and negative.

Dr. Hugo López-Gatell

The first case is quite obvious because it suddenly became the most popular doctor in the country. At the beginning of 2020, he was named the person most responsible for designing strategies to combat the Covid-19 pandemic in Mexico. He was even in charge of offering evening lectures every day to report the progress made.

At the beginning he earned the respect of the population and his name was one of the most mentioned in digital media. Although after a while everything was reversed, especially because of his controversial statements and failed strategies. To this day his name causes both admiration and contempt.

Dr. Éctor Jaime

Among the doctors who have entered politics is also the Dr. Éctor Jaime. He is currently a federal representative for the state of Guanajuato. As he belongs to the National Action Party (PAN), his position is critical of the current government, which has earned him fans and detractors alike.

Among his characteristics is never to remain silent and raise his voice in favor of medical personnel. He is quite active on social media and constantly participates in health-focused forums. As in the previous case, much of people’s displeasure is generated by their political stance.

Dr. A.S. Abel Cross

Among health professionals, homeopathy and the alternative medicine They are topics that generate controversy. Some defend this type of treatment by considering that natural is always better, while others point out that they are scams because they lack scientific evidence.

Among the highest representatives of the naturopathic remedies is found Dr. A.S. Abel Cross, who has promoted this form of healing for more than 40 years. He has even hosted radio and television programs in which he states that through juices and smoothies it is possible to cure multiple diseases.

Mr. Doctor

Finally on our list of most controversial doctors in Mexico is found Dr. Octavio Arroyobetter known on social networks as Mr. Doctor. In his case, he is a specialist in Internal Medicine, although in recent years he has focused on the creation of digital content.

One of its characteristics is to remove the solemnity that surrounds Medicine to make entertaining and humorous videos. For this reason, he is usually frowned upon by some of his colleagues.

In addition, he also stands out because he never remains silent, which has earned him conflicts with other influencers and even conflicts with the UNAM. In the end, everything has been caused by his way of being, which completely distances himself from the stereotypes that exist about health professionals.

And in your case, who are the most controversial doctors in Mexico?

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#controversial #doctors #Mexico

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