The most costly hurricanes for insurers in Mexico

by time news

2023-10-26 20:00:15

Tropical cyclones are phenomena that have generated the greatest coverage of insured property.
Guerrero is among the 17 coastal states that concentrate 48% of the losses due to hydrometeorological risk incidents.
During 2022, the amount of hydrometeorological risk claims covered by insurers was 2.2 billion pesos.

Given the appearance of natural disasters such as hurricanes it is necessary to take stock of the most expensive ones for insurers to cover. With this in mind, the Mexican Association of Insurance Institutions (AMIS) indicated that it is ready to respond to the emergency and damage caused by hurricanes Norma and Otis as they passed through Baja California and Guerrero, respectively.

The most recent occurred during the early hours of this Wednesday, October 25. Otis hit the great coast of Guerrero like category 5 hurricane, which is the highest on the Saffir-Simpson scale. It immediately caused broken roads, damage to buildings, fallen trees and landslides on the highway.

Furthermore, the federal government reported that so far there have been 27 deaths confirmed and four people missing. While thousands of citizens of the coast were cut off due to the power of the natural disaster.

“We regret the damage that, in just less than a week, both hurricanes (Norma and Otis) left in Baja California and Guerrero. We reaffirm our support for those who suffered the consequences of these hydrometeorological phenomena. We call on all people to follow the instructions of the authorities, and those who have insurance protection to contact their company and begin monitoring each of the cases,” said Norma Alicia Rosas, general director of the AMIS.

Based on the above, it is important to remember that insurance is a financial instrument that allows the cost of damage caused to be transferred to insurance companies and minimize the impact on the personal, family, business and social economy, in addition to providing peace of mind to its users. insured.

The most expensive hurricanes for insurers to cover in Mexico

Among the natural disasters with the greatest catastrophic damage and costliest for the industry in our country are four hurricanes. With Wilma In 2005, 2,675 million dollars were paid; by Odile in 2014, it was 1,439 million dollars; by Gilberto In 1988 the amount was 1,299 million dollars and for Isidore In 2002, 474 million dollars were covered.

Guerrero, among the coastal states with the greatest losses

Notably Guerrero It is among the 17 coastal states that concentrate 48% of the losses due to accidents derived from hydrometeorological risks. In recent years, the events of this type with the greatest losses were due to:

Tropical cyclones (41%) Flood (22%) Rain damage (19%) Hail (9%) Others (9%).

In the 17 states most affected by hydrometeorological eventsthe business lines that have been most affected are: offices (24.3%), factories (21%), homes (19.7%), hotels (11.6%) and warehouses (9.9%).

The amount of hydrometeorological risk claims covered by insurers was $2.2 billion pesos at the end of 2022, according to AMIS data.

Also read:

Hurricane Otis: IMSS denies the death of 16 people in Acapulco hospital

Hurricane Otis: All the actions ordered by the Ministry of Health

Hurricane Otis: IMSS doctors are sent to Guerrero to help victims

#costly #hurricanes #insurers #Mexico

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