The most dangerous violations committed in roundabouts

by time news

A. Noguerol

The Ship of Avila



One in three drivers involved in roundabout accidents committed an offense, mainly not respecting priority, excessive speed and not keeping a safe distance, according to data from the DGT for the year 2020.

There is a wide variety of roundabout designs, but all of them resist and generate a multitude of mishaps, accidents and discussions. The truth is that whatever its design, in all of them the driver must take into account the same principles: give way to those who are inside it and choose the lane that he considers most appropriate based on the exit he is going to take; once inside, the vehicle that is occupying a lane has preference over the one that is going to access it; and, to exit the roundabout, it is essential to previously position yourself in the outer lane; and if it has not been possible, make a new turn to place yourself in that position with time.

Among all, violations of priority rules are the most frequent in roundabouts, one in five. And, as we explained in the first chapter of this series, the main rule establishes that the vehicles that circulate inside the roundabout have priority over those that enter (provided that a signal -traffic light, road marking- or an agent does not order otherwise ).

Therefore, entering a circular space without respecting the right of way for other drivers can cause sudden braking, overtaking and even collisions between vehicles.

Likewise, leaving the roundabout from an inside lane, crossing in front of other vehicles, can also have serious consequences.

Speeding also causes many incidents at these roundabout intersections: 8% of drivers involved in intercity roundabout accidents committed a speeding offence.

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Many of the usual infractions in roundabouts occur while driving within it: lane indiscipline, lane changes without using the indicators, or respecting priorities, or safety distances. Violations that also complicate driving for other drivers and cause a multitude of unexpected braking and ranges between vehicles.

«The use of lanes inside a roundabout is like in any other section of road. We will occupy the lane on the right, outside the town, and the one that best suits our destination in urban areas. And we will change lanes always following two basic rules: respect the priority of those who already circulate in it and signal the maneuver sufficiently in advance so as not to surprise other drivers, ”they emphasize from DGT Driver Training.

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