The most fun cafes and bakeries in North Tel Aviv

by time news

Baka Elephant Junction

We already know and cherish the sisters Shir and Coral Goren and their best maggots, but not many know that their careers started somewhere at the Elephant Junction, where the sisters opened the Baka The original four years ago. Since then a lot of dough has been baked in the oven and the oil of the two has been linked to everything good – spoiled pastries, legendary pretzels, breads, pizzas, crispy focaccia and also excellent cakes.

A must-eat dish: Ricotta Pudding Hail
Moshe Sneh 21

Dam, Girl. Babka’s pecan pie (Photo: PR)

Beta Coffee

There is not a northerner who does not know the beta coffee of chef Ayelet Letovich, and rightly so. The wonderful chef is known for delicious, creative food – and yes, also healthy – that she prepares all on the spot. Everything is fresh and fresh and from excellent ingredients, and the menu is varied enough to accommodate either a business lunch, a romantic dinner or a family meal with the kids on Saturday. A place that manages to be on a level and neighborhood at the same time.
Mandatory food: Chicken breast in tomato vinaigrette
IDF 71


When a gluten-free restaurant opened as a pop-up a few years ago, it stunned all celiacs and gluten-free people who until that moment were doomed (or chose, as mentioned) to abstain from carbs and pastries. After a long period of wandering, Gluteria has found a permanent institution in North Tel Aviv and it offers real loot to anyone who asks – but the truth is that it is worth checking out even for those who have no problem with gluten.
Mandatory food: Pizza Margarita
Aryeh Disenchik 5, 03-683-7680

You would not guess.  Gluteria (Photo: Moriah Lahis)

You would not guess. Gluteria (Photo: Moriah Lahis)

The Show Room Bakehouse

As long as you are within a radius of a branch of Show Room Bakery, you can be sure that you are still in Tel Aviv, or a rooftop in New York. A showcase full of spoiled cookies, glazed donuts, tempting pastries and other sweets can also be found in Neve Avivim. Yes yes, the show rum also came here with a great pink branch that throws us straight to Manhattan with a donut in one hand and a banana pudding in the other. You can ‘t say no to that.
Mandatory food: Banana pudding forever
According to 1

Romance in a showroom (Photo: Tal Oz)

Romance in a showroom (Photo: Tal Oz)

Aunt’s Coffee

Cafe Duda’s slogan is “Who said Neve Sharet is not Tel Aviv?” Well, not us. The truth is no one brought it up, Auntie Coffee, and you’re a little on the defensive – so much so that it’s suspicious. In any case, Tel Aviv or not, what is certain is that even in the distant Neve Sharet (sorry) there is a great cafe: Auntie Cafe, neighborhood and cozy but not of the sleepy kind, and with a classic cafe menu, in the good sense of the word.
A must-eat dish: Benedict Pear
Almagor 5


The most Tel Aviv coffee / deli there is, directly from the creator of the one and only Ruthi Brodo. It seems that the branch she opened in the North Star suited the neighborhood like a glove: After all, which of the locals is not addicted to chopped liver and to which Carrot Honora is caramelized on the opposite side? But seriously (and stereotypes aside), it really is a beautiful and spacious branch, which has all the best that R2M knows how to provide, including beautiful tools and flowers to take home.
Mandatory food: Asian chicken salad
Meir Yaari 19

All the good of the delicacy, now also in the north (Photo: Idit Ben Uliel)

All the good of the delicacy, now also in the north (Photo: Idit Ben Uliel)

Matilda Coffee

A mythological cafe / restaurant in the Maoz Aviv neighborhood for over twenty years. The place that became an institution is named after the founder, who immigrated from Bulgaria and brought with her the best secrets of the Balkans: proper borax, hot and fragrant stews for lunch, traditional cakes next to the coffee and more. Such places are no longer made.
A must-eat dish: Stuffed. Obviously
Bnei Ephraim 209

There is no more Balkan than that.  Matilda.  Photo: Alon Kedem

There is no more Balkan than that. Matilda. Photo: Alon Kedem


Patlina is a neighborhood bistro that has existed for 14 years and is located in the green and flourishing Tzahala neighborhood. The menu features a variety of fresh salads, thin pizzas from the oven, intriguing entrees, pastas and wonderful desserts. There are also fresh breads, cakes and cookies – and perhaps most importantly, also wonderful deli products that can be taken home and continue to devour there.
A must-eat dish: Cheesecake
73 Ir Shemesh Street

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