The most important event in Colombia

by time news

The populist Rodolfo Hernández, during his electoral campaign. / EFE

The populist Hernández goes back to reach a technical tie with the leftist Petro in the countdown to the presidential elections this Sunday

“The country is sitting on a volcano about to erupt.” The metaphor corresponds to the academic, writer and former Minister of Health of Colombia Alejandro Gaviria, who has intervened in one of the most tense campaigns that this nation has experienced in recent decades to express his support for the left-wing candidate, Gustavo Petro. Gaviria also aspired to the Presidency with the coalition Centro Esperanza.

The polls speak of a technical tie between Petro and Rodolfo Hernández, the two candidates who will compete on Sunday in the second round who will head the next Government of Colombia. Petro (62 years old), who intends to become the first left-wing president in this country, obtained 8,527,768 votes (40.33%) on May 29, while Hernández (77) gave the surprise with a populist speech that talks about fighting corruption and reached 5,953,209 supports (28.15%).

The countdown has already begun for Colombia to define a future that none of the options seems to guarantee with certainty. The bet on Petro, who appeared as the main favorite to win in the first round, has been weakened by the attacks on social networks of the defeated right, by the leaks of videos that exhibit the non-exemplary strategies of his advisers to destabilize to his rivals and, obviously, because of the fear of many citizens that Petro’s leftism will lead to “Castrochavism”, fear that the candidate himself will counter with proposals that are far removed from any authoritarian system, that respect the current Constitution and promise a reform that lead all Colombians to live a change in their lives.


  • Gustavo Petro – 40.33%
    of the votes on the opening day of the presidential elections went to the leftist.

  • Rodolfo Hernandez – 28.15%
    It was the percentage obtained by the controversial populist on May 29.

In the last week, Petro has had important adhesions such as Alejandro Gaviria, Antanas Mockus, former mayor of Bogotá, or Angélica Lozano, senator and partner of the current mayor of the capital, Claudia López, who support their support because the option offered it is more responsible, institutional and liberal.

Rodolfo Hernández, who directed the City Council of Bucaramanga, is not that he offers the sky and invites optimism. Quite the contrary. But to his credit, “anyone but Petro” is prevailing. Hernández has done almost everything that a candidate to lead a country would not do. His motto has been “remove all those corrupt politicians who have been embedded in the government for years.” But if he is elected, the first thing he will have to do is answer to a judge for a pending charge of corruption.

A few days ago ‘The Washington Post’ recalled that Colombia is about to make president a former mayor who hit a councilman, threatened to shoot another citizen and made the mistake of saying that he admired a German thinker named Hitler. He, however, always has the ability to find rectification. He then said that he was referring to Einstein.

The last event of the candidate to govern the country of Gabriel García Márquez and Fernando Botero happened a few days ago when a media outlet asked him if he would accept all political support if he were elected president. «I receive the Blessed Virgin and all the prostitutes who live in the same neighborhood with her. I receive everyone, but I will not change my speech. Was his reply. A day later, and after being reprimanded by the Church itself and by many of his supporters, he recognized that he had been wrong and apologized.

Getaway to Miami

Hernández also accused Gustavo Petro of belonging to a criminal gang after listening to the videos in which some strategists from the campaign of the Historical Pact candidate discovered his dirty tricks to destabilize his rivals. Hernández said he was afraid, that his life was in danger, he went to Miami for a few days and announced that he would not participate in any debate. However, on Wednesday the Superior Court of Bogotá considered that due to “the national importance” of these elections, a face-to-face meeting is a right for citizens to know their candidates. Hernández alleged that his political program is available on the networks.

The vice-presidential candidate for Petro, Francia Márquez, responded to this speech: «How different we are. Out of fear I got into politics, to defend my people. Out of fear, you get on a plane to Miami. Is this how you intend to defend the country every time something scares you? Colombian women are much braver than that.

It will be the first time that Colombia does not directly contrast the two candidates who aspire to govern for the next four years. This totally unusual situation in elections in the South American country maintains expectations and fears that on Sunday Colombia will not only vote for a president. Your democracy is at stake.

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