The most popular brands of the residents have been revealed: priority is given to Lithuanian products

by times news cr

A survey of consumer trends conducted by Havas group and Norstat LT in the spring revealed which food product brands are most often chosen by buyers. During the study, product brands of three categories – milk, bread and meat – were analyzed.

Among the best sellers named by the respondents are the well-known brands of Lithuanian producers – “Dvaro” milk and milk products (39%), “Biovela” meat and its products (37%), “Agotos” Vilnius bread (26%).

Not only liked, but also meaningful to the user

According to Tomas Markūnas, strategy manager of Havas Lithuania, the results of the latest study also correlate with the annual global study “Meaningful brands”, which investigates which brands are the most meaningful to consumers.

“Both when studying consumer shopping trends and analyzing the results of last year’s Meaningful brands, we can see the same brands dominating in the categories of milk and dairy products and meat and its products,” says T. Markūnas.

During the “Meaningful brands” study, the “Meaningfulness Score” is calculated, which shows how significant and meaningful a certain brand is to a person.

“The final result is shown by the indicator of how much the consumer is attached to the brand and how much he knows it – this means that he not only knows, but is also more familiar with it, has formed a certain opinion about it. Observing last year’s data, the best results are also shown by the brands that took the leading positions in the survey of consumer shopping trends, such as “Dvaro” or “Biovela”, says T. Markūnas.

According to the strategy manager of Havas Lithuania, different studies and research allow a better understanding of how the consumer actually sees certain brands.

“Those brands that occupy leading positions can assess whether they are on the right path or whether their chosen strategy – positioning, marketing tools, advertising or media communication – is working. For other brands, this can become an example or inspiration, a certain starting point for planning strategic actions”, assures T. Markūnas.

How consumers build relationships with brands

According to psychologists, consumers form relationships with brands based on several important psychological principles: trust, emotional connection and certain thought patterns.

“Research shows that people trust brands that consistently meet their expectations and fulfill their needs. Often emotional factors determine their loyalty. For example, people can become emotionally attached to brands that match their personality or values, and even if there are other alternatives on the market, they remain loyal to their choice,” says psychiatrist-psychotherapist Mindaugas Jasulaitis.

According to the psychiatrist-psychotherapist, well-known brands seem more reliable to the consumer for several reasons.

“First, because these brands are familiar to us, we understand them more easily and trust them more.” Second, emotional attachment to a well-known brand gives us a sense of security. In addition, we are often satisfied with those brands that are “good enough” for us, based on previous experience”, says M. Jasulaitis.

A study by Havas Group and Norstat LT showed that one of the factors determining the consumer’s choice is the product’s country of origin, giving priority to Lithuanianness. It is important for at least every second respondent when buying bread, baguette, buns, fresh meat and meat products, milk, cottage cheese and sour cream.

“Preference for Lithuanian brands is due to our emotional connection with our country and simplicity. We often choose what is familiar to us because it is easier to understand and appreciate. In addition, emotions such as patriotism or the desire to support local producers encourage us to choose Lithuanian products. Social norms, such as recommendations from relatives or friends, also influence our choices,” says the psychiatrist-psychotherapist.

Quantitative survey field work was carried out by UAB Norstat LT on behalf of Havas Group in 2024. from April 26 to May 13. The online survey represents the opinion of Lithuanian residents aged 18-64. 1100 respondents participated in the survey. The poll error is up to 3.0 percent.

2024-08-29 11:42:14

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