The most prominent symptoms of vitamin D deficiency on the body and method of treatment

by time news
The most prominent symptoms of vitamin D deficiency on the body and method of treatment

Symptoms of Vitamin D deficiencyVitamin D is one of the most important vitamins for the body, which it needs permanently for its great role in maintaining the health of the body and mood, as the lack of vitamin D in the body causes many prominent symptoms such as mood swings in addition to pain in the bones, joints and body, constant fatigue, hair loss and pallor of the skin For this reason, the Saudi Ministry of Health has clarified the most prominent signs of vitamin D deficiency in the body.

Symptoms of Vitamin D deficiency on the body

Vitamin D deficiency causes various symptoms on the body, such as a decrease in the percentage of any vitamin or food element present in the body that does its job.

  1. Mood swings and in serious cases up to depression.
  2. Muscle pain and may be accompanied by muscle twitching.
  3. Weakness of the body and a feeling of constant fatigue.
  4. Weight disturbances, whether increase or decrease.
  5. Drowsiness and lethargy despite sleeping enough time for adults and children.
  6. Recurring injury to the bones as a result of their weakness, lack of endurance or osteoporosis and softness.
  7. Joint pain, especially back pain.
  8. Rickets in young children.
  9. Human fall due to the weakness of its structure.

How to treat vitamin D deficiency in the body

For all of these symptoms, vitamin D deficiency must be prevented. In the event of a decrease in its percentage from the normal rate in the blood, one of the following methods is used to treat vitamin D deficiency:

  1. Taking vitamin D supplements: There are several pictures of these supplements, whether ampoules, capsules, drops or chewable pills, and it is one of the quick ways to increase the level of vitamin D in the blood, provided that the amount taken is specified by the doctor because increasing vitamin D in the body is dangerous.
  2. Food rich in vitamin D: Diets rich in vitamin D contribute to raising the level of vitamin D, such as liver, dairy, and fatty fish, especially tuna, egg yolk, orange juice, Swiss cheese and eggs.
  3. Exposure to sunlight, especially from 10 in the morning to 3 in the afternoon, is the best period to benefit from the sun’s rays, and it will increase the levels of vitamin D in the blood, even if by a small percentage if the decrease is reasonable.

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